Wednesday, July 11, 2018

It's Long Past Time for America's NATO “Allies” to Move out of the Damn House

NATO Ambassador Kay Bailey Hutchison has her work cut out for her today, as President Donald Trump meets with his counterparts at the fellow NATO member nations and follows that with a one-on-one settee with the execrable German Prime Minister Angela Merkel.

That's the U.S. relationship with NATO in a nutshell.

The thing is that President Trump correctly identifies NATO "Allies" like Germany and Turkey as every bit the "Strategic problems" for the United States of America that Russia represents.

The first obvious fact is the stark reality that Russia presents no serious military threat to the U.S., yet Germany and the other NATO countries expect the U.S. to continue funding the majority of NATO expenses and spending tens of billions of its dollars every year defending an increasingly hostile Europe from a Russian invasion, just as it has done for the past 73 years.

The European "Allies" demand all of this ongoing U.S. largess while at the same time levying draconian tariffs on imports of American-made goods and importing their natural gas from the very country - Russia - from which they contend they must have ongoing U.S. military protection.

The U.S. relationship with its NATO "Allies" is almost perfectly analogous to the couple in upstate New York who had to sue their 30 year-old son to force him to move out of the damn house.

It is long past time for our NATO "Allies" to stop occupying a bedroom in America's home, go out and get a job, and pay their own way.

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