Friday, July 20, 2018

Did The FBI Ignore Evidence That They Ended Up In the Hands Of A 'Foreign Entity'?

At one point during Peter Strzok's congressional testimony last week, Rep. Louie Gohmert made a stunning claim: FBI investigators were told that Clinton's emails had been surreptitiously forwarded to a "Foreign entity." And the FBI investigators who were allegedly conducting a thorough, unbiased, professional probe into Clinton's mishandling of classified materials ignored it.

The Intelligence Community Inspector General Chuck McCullough sent his investigator Frank Rucker along with an IGIC attorney Janette McMillan to brief you and Dean Chapelle and two other FBI personnel who I won't name at this time, about an anomaly they had found on Hillary Clinton's emails that were going to the private unauthorized server that you were supposed to be investigating?

The problem is it was going to an unauthorized source that was a foreign entity unrelated to Russia and from what you've said here, you did nothing more than nod and shake the man's hand when you didn't seem to be all that concerned about our national integrity of our election when it was involving Hillary Clinton.

In short, one of the lead investigators in the Clinton email case apparently learned that a foreign entity was getting all Clinton's emails - including many that contained classified information - and did nothing.

All of her emails ending up in the hands of a "Foreign entity" would - by any honest estimation - constitute gross negligence.

If the FBI did indeed ignore this bombshell, it adds further evidence that the Clinton email investigation - and most likely the Trump/Russia investigation - was seriously compromised by political bias.

Who is this "Foreign entity"? Is Gohmert right that the FBI dismissed evidence from the intelligence community about Clinton's emails being compromised? Will lawmakers ever get to the bottom of this? And will the mainstream press ever show the slightest interest in this development? 

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