Thursday, August 9, 2012

We Pay The Price For Folly Of Green Politics

The Government’s ideological obsession with wind power is inflicting ever greater damage on Britain, driving up our energy bills and ruining our countryside. Brutalist, expensive and inefficient, wind farms are nothing more than vast monuments to political vanity. They contribute little to our electricity supply, yet they cost us all a fortune.
The full insanity of this approach has been exposed by a new report from respected economist Professor Gordon Hughes, who warns that the Government’s green agenda is likely to push up electricity bills by more than £300 a year by 2020. In total, argues Professor Hughes, the Government’s subsidy for wind power amounts to more than £124billion over the next eight years, a colossal burden on families and businesses at a time when the economy continues to struggle.
Just like the attachment to mass immigration or surrendering to the EU, this policy has been advanced by the coalition, not for the sake of the national interest but solely on the grounds of fashionable political dogma.
It is no surprise that the Liberal Democrats, always the enthusiasts for sanctimonious posturing at the public’s expense, have been at the forefront of the Government’s drive to carpet large swathes of the country with these useless turbines.
Earlier this year the Lib Dem Energy Minister Ed Davey blocked attempts by the Treasury to cut the mammoth subsidies for wind power.
So we are all paying the price for the folly of our green-fixated politicians.

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