Thursday, March 1, 2012

Obama and the End of American Exceptionalism

By Steve McCann

America's once-exalted position as the unquestioned leader of the free world has been greatly and deliberately eroded.  A nation respected not only for its military and economic might, but more so for its dedication to the ideals of individual freedom and liberty is rudderless and adrift on a sea of uncertainty.  As a result, the United States and the rest of the world are facing the most precarious and potentially dangerous period since the 1930s.

Barack Obama and his regime have accomplished much of what they set out to do -- namely, the transformation of American society and an end to the pre-eminent status of the United States.  They have had a singleness of purpose and allegiance first and foremost to a confused and muddled ideology and not country.

When the leadership of a great nation exhibits this trait, the consequences can be catastrophic.  The product of a lifetime of leftist indoctrination, Barack Obama has, as the basic foundation of his disorganized and uncertain belief system, a conviction that the United States has been the epitome of oppression and arrogance throughout its history. 

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