Monday, August 1, 2011

Just Say No to Raising the Roof

Tom Rowan

The "debt ceiling" is as phony as a 3 trillion dollar bill
Just what is this mythical being we have apparently mislabeled the "debt ceiling?"  The term implies a rigid structure to stop reckless out of control spending, thereby keeping the economic second floor from collapsing down upon us.  But the economic second floor is already afire.  Despite the Washington Fog Machine running on overdrive, the United States AAA Bond rating was all but given its last rites long ago.  Hill Democrats berating the credit agencies to keep the AAA Bond rating on life support will not bring back solvency.  Our government is swallowing up every ounce of cash and credit from this generation and generations yet born.  Raising the "debt ceiling" this time is like cutting a hole in a sinking boat to let the water out.
Apparently, the "debt ceiling's" only purpose is to remind law makers when it is time to borrow more money.  Raising the "debt ceiling" has occurred 74 times since 1962.  Since 1962, the "debt ceiling" has capped the amount government can legally borrow exactly zero times.  It just keeps being raised as government's appetite expands into all our individual lives.
The government is now so big it tells us how much water our toilets can have.  The government tells us how much water our showers can clean us with.  The government tells us we pollute the air every time we exhale.  The government tells us our kids are fat.  The government tells us how much energy we are allowed to harvest.  The government tells us which light bulbs to buy.  The government has grown and grown since 1962 and your money has not satiated its hunger yet.  Now government seeks to continue at the pig trough on America's children's and grandchildren's lives and livelihoods.  And the unconstitutional ObamaCare keeps growing like a cancer debt and entangling itself into our lives.  Remember, this newest unsustainable grand "entitlement" Ponzi scheme needs time to nurture and grow its bureaucracy.  It takes time to control the people.
Raising the "debt ceiling" this time will fund ObamaCare as it gets out of its unconstitutional cradle.  Raising the "debt ceiling" will keep Obama's ludicrous "stimulus" spending levels gushing into its 3rd straight year.  And along with this outrageous and unconstitutional spending, these inflated budgets will be cemented into the base line budget con game.  Raising the "debt ceiling" pays for all the spending as promised by Pelosi, Reid, and Obama since 2007.
The "debt ceiling" is apparently some sort of rational law, is it not?  Reasonable people from both parties have developed the "debt ceiling" and its caps.  If the "debt ceiling" is a rational and reasonable law then how come we do not hear any voices advocating that we just follow the law and stop spending more than we take in?  Perhaps following and enforcing the law is just some zany extreme position people should no longer expect from their elective government. 
The sane position, we are told by our government servants, is to re-jigger the law when it suits the suits in Washington, making the very concept of a debt ceiling inapplicable.  The only people benefitting from these backroom deals are the establishment politicians.  They become millionaires and the people they "serve" get stuck with the construction costs of raising the roof.

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