Tuesday, May 17, 2022

How Black Lives Matter Criminals Were Enabled by the I.R.S. and the Democrat Party

The recently revealed purchase of multi-million-dollar properties by Black Lives Matter leaders, using unaccounted-for tax-exempt funds, tells us what we already should have known: Black Lives Matter is a gang of street criminals who think nothing of stealing money donated to help "Marginalized and under-served" communities, and pocketing it for themselves.

Throughout the mayhem and criminal violence orchestrated by Black Lives Matter, the I.R.S and its commissioner Charles Rettig watched from afar and did nothing to prevent taxpayer monies from being used to bail out those Black Lives Matter thugs who had been arrested for breaking the law, and returning them to the streets to commit still more crimes.

BLM's close ties to the Democrat Party date at least to August of 2015, when the Democratic National Committee formally approved a resolution stating that "The DNC joins with Americans across the country in affirming 'Black Lives Matter' and the 'Say Her Name' efforts to make visible the pain of our fellow and sister Americans as they condemn extrajudicial killings of unarmed African American men, women and children." The alleged extra-judicial killings of unarmed African American men, women and children are a fiction invented by Black Lives Matter to achieve its aim of de-funding the police, swallowed whole by the Democrat Party.

Even after five police officers were assassinated in Dallas by a deranged black racist at a Black Lives Matter march in.

Exploiting what was supposed to be among the most government-regulated and monitored institutions, Black Lives Matter leaders were able to gin up a national hysteria over non-existent racial offenses by police departments that were often headed by black police chiefs and overseen by black mayors and liberal city councils.

The massive vigilante movement spawned by Black Lives Matter was financed by fleecing American tax-payers of tens of millions of dollars, and powered by a lynch mob mentality that insisted on verdicts in advance of investigations let alone trials on pain of suffering unprecedented violence in America's streets: "No Justice, No Peace." Its agenda - alarmingly successful - was to hang white cops as neanderthal racists intent on ending innocent black lives because they were black.

The crimes committed by Black Lives Matter were in part enabled by a derelict and politically corrupted I.R.S., and also a Democrat Party that has been seduced by America-hating radicals and lost its way.


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