Tuesday, January 18, 2022

Rashida Tlaib's lies about Democratic Party history

That said, none are more skilled for the task than the Democratic socialist Rashida Tlaib from Detroit.

In her latest contest to surpass her own lies, she tweeted: "From Reconstruction to the Civil Rights Era to now. Progress with civil + voting rights has been crushed by the filibuster. It's an undemocratic tool used by a shrinking minority of extreme reactionaries+bought elected officials to stop the wishes of a diverse majority. End it."

"With Eastland unable to kill the bill in committee [he] set the record in the U.S. Senate for the longest individual filibuster speech ever given in Senate history - over 24 hours of continual speaking in his attempts to block Eisenhower's 1957 civil rights bill. The stiff Democratic opposition in the Senate resulted in a watered-down version of Eisenhower's original bill."

Do we need revisit the revered Ku Klux Klan leader, the late Robert Byrd, long-time Democratic senator from West Virginia? Byrd also led one of the longest filibuster's in history to stop the Civil Rights Act.

The lapdog mainstream media are willing to ignore and/or support the lie Tlaib is telling, protecting her from any accountability.

It's too bad Tlaib is nothing more than a blowhard.

I would love to debate her one-on-one regarding her lies on civil rights and voting rights.


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