Saturday, October 16, 2021

Most Mask Studies Are Garbage

As far as masks go, there are basically two kinds of studies.

The study found a mere 10% reduction in seroprevalence among the masked cohort, an effect so small that it fell within the confidence interval.

Even the study authors couldn't exclude the possibility that masks in fact do zero.

Over the past year, you have to imagine that untold numbers of researchers around the world burned through millions and millions of dollars in grant money trying to prove that masks work, with studies of all kinds.

The Danish researchers were rare in their persistence: Why fight battles to get unpopular results into print, just so you can earn the opprobrium of the I Love Science crowd and have your research smeared by prominent public health mandarins and epidemiologists with named chairs at major universities? It's safer to throw everything in the trash and try again with a new study.

Because you've subjected all research on the topic to systematic bias, you can't know what the results of these studies even mean.

What we don't know, is the ratio of junked failed telepathy studies to successful published telepathy studies, so in fact we know nothing at all about telepathy. 

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