Tuesday, October 19, 2021

Massive Fines Tucked Into Spending Bill Are Worse Than Biden's Upcoming Vaccine Mandate

A common question asked here as well as on social media whenever the Democrats rear their ugly authoritarianism is, "Where are the Republicans?" I'll go ahead and ask the question again because tucked in the massive spending bill is a de facto vaccine mandate that would generate harsh fines on businesses that dare to allow their employees the freedom to choose which medical procedures are conducted on them.

STORY AT-A-GLANCE. Buried in the massive $3.5 trillion "Reconciliation" bill are unconstitutional fines for employers who don't mandate COVID-19 jabs or regular COVID-19 testing of their employees.

Calling the vaccine mandate for businesses "Tyrannical," the No Taxation Without Congressional Consent Act, introduced September 30, 2021, would prohibit the federal government from imposing a fine, fee or tax on individuals or businesses for violating a COVID-19 vaccine mandate.

Buried in the massive $3.5 trillion "Reconciliation" bill is an unconstitutional vaccine enforcement mechanism that threatens to bankrupt businesses unless they force their employees to get a COVID-19 injection.

If the measure is enacted into law, even employers that respect their employees' rights to health freedom and informed consent would be left with an impossible decision - mandate COVID-19 jabs or essentially go out of business due to unbearable fines.

Before we get any further, it should be noted that the mandate doesn't actually exist yet, in that it hasn't been sent to the Office of Information and Regulatory Affairs for approval, and it's not yet a legally enforceable mandate.

Roy and Sen. Mike Lee, R-Utah, introduced a bill - the No Taxation Without Congressional Consent Act - September 30, 2021, that would prohibit the federal government from imposing a fine, fee or tax on individuals or businesses for violating a COVID-19 vaccine mandate issued by OSHA or other agencies.


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