Wednesday, July 1, 2020

Official Resolution Calls for Democratic Party To Change Name Over Racist Past

As the Connecticut GOP's resolution made abundantly clear, as symbols of white supremacy go, Columbus had nothing on the American Democratic Party.

"If we are to hold Christopher Columbus accountable for over 500 years after the fact, it's our duty and our moral obligation to hold the Democratic Party accountable,'' state Republican Party Chairman J.R. Romano said during a Zoom call Monday morning, according to the Hartford Courant."

96%. 4%. As conservative radio host and author Mark Levin pointed out during a June 11 broadcast, the Democratic Party is practically synonymous with the oppression of black Americans in the United States.

In a remarkable public relations sleight of hand, abetted by a sympathetic mainstream media, the party that truly represents centuries of literal "Systemic racism" - racism written into law and enforced with the lash - has managed to cast its political opponents, the party literally founded on abolishing slavery, as the enemies of equality.

It's about time the party that preaches so loudly about the United States' failure to live up to the lofty ideals of the founding gets called to account for its own past.

The Party of Slavery, KKK, Jim Crow and Segregation should change their name.

History is carved in stone and the Democratic Party IS the party of the KKK, slavery, racism, Jim Crow Laws, lynch mobs, segregation, anti-Civil Rights, Emmett Till, cross-burnings, etc.

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