Monday, March 30, 2020

Soros and the Coronavirus pandemic

Billionaire George Soros uses his political-philanthropic private foundations' global network to induce chaos to change the capitalistic democratic systems that prevailed since the end of WWII. Soros aims to reshape the world according to his purported wily Open Society philosophy, which evolved after the collapse of the Soviet Communist system.

In January 2020, Soros chose the World Economic Forum in Davos to announce his most ambitious initiative, the "Most important and enduring project" of his life, the Open Society University Network.

Soros created the OSUN, a "New kind of global educational network," to serve as a global indoctrination organ to fight against "Climate change" and to "Educate against nationalism" and other topics close to his heart, so his "Open Society" doctrine of radical socialist political activism endures and spreads after he's gone.

The billions Soros had spent already made deep inroads into pre-disposed academic institutions and led to significant modifications in our social discourse and political conventions.

The chaos following the breakout of the coronavirus pandemic that tanked the financial markets and shut down the U.S. economy is a crisis Soros will not waste to attack Trump.

According to the Washington Free Beacon, Soros has already given "$3 million in contributions" to Priorities USA Action - the Democratic Party's largest super PAC. The money is used to flood Florida, Michigan, Pennsylvania, and Wisconsin with ads attacking Trump's handling of the pandemic.

How much did Soros contribute to help fight the pandemic?

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