Thursday, July 12, 2018

Progressives' Disdain for Institutions Is Starting to Haunt Them

Despite the hysterical opposition to Judge Kavanaugh even before being named the nominee, there is little progressives can do stop him from becoming an Associate Judge of the Supreme Court, unless a Republican senator breaks rank.

In the Senate a few years ago, it was possible for the minority party to block a nominee, but the ideology of progressivism and its disdain for institutions and traditions eliminated that possibility.

Senator Reid in the debate to change the Senate rules argued "The Senate is a living thing, and to survive it must change as it has over the history of this great country. To the average American, adapting the rules to make the Senate work again is just common sense." In these few words we have the central pillar of progressivism; the U.S. Constitution, along with the institutions and traditions of America, are stumbling blocks, thus they must be reformed, democratized, or eliminated.

You would think the progressives would have learned that institutions and traditions prevent transient majorities from doing all it wants.

Progressives have always seen the model of our Founding Fathers embedded in the U.S. Constitution to be the greatest obstacle to their desires.

Progressives are starting to learn the impact of their own misguided campaign, particularly in their inability to block a Republican Supreme Court nominee.

The continued disdain for institutions and traditions which have preserved this great Republic will in the end come back to haunt them. 

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