Thursday, July 12, 2018

Our first feminists never wanted abortion

In that vision, did Stanton see a world with abortion on demand? Did any of the major players in early feminism aim for such a thing? No, the early feminists fought for women's rights, and they did not include abortion.

So focused on abortion are the liberal feminists of the 21st century that politicians are beholden to the abortion industry, accepting money from groups like NARAL and Planned Parenthood in exchange for votes against even popular laws such as the banning of abortion after viability.

The so-called right to abortion was not a goal of feminists even 100 years after Stanton and other first feminists began the movement for women's rights.

Abortion did not take center stage until a few bad men stepped in and worked to convince the women's movement to take on the pet issues of sexual revolution advocates - including contraception and abortion.

Lader convinced Friedan and other women that they needed abortion in order to be truly equal.

In order for the sexual revolution to "Work," men needed to avoid accountability, and the best way to remain uncommitted and unaccountable to women was to ensure that children were never born as a result of their sexual affairs.

Women often feel that abortion is their only choice, but it's not.

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