Thursday, July 12, 2018

Michelle Wolf's Abortion Flacking Neither Reflects Women Nor Feminism

Despite the psychological and physical suffering abortion continues to cause for so many women around the world, mainstream feminism stands firm in preaching abortion as the height of women's liberation.

Even more troubling than her complete lack of regard for the suffering abortion causes women was her ignorance of the history of the women's movement.

Wolf's monologue quickly becomes a tirade against men, who are supposedly denying women abortion as a way to control them.

Although many take issue with what they perceive as feminism's tendency to villainize men, the far more troubling fault of the modern hybrid of feminism and sexual liberation is that it encourages women to villainize themselves.

In an article for The American Conservative, self-identified feminist Natasha Vargas-Cooper described the female experience: "That [menstrual] blood is a symbol of women's ongoing war with nature. They use hormones, condoms, copper devices, and all manner of contraception to deny nature's plans for them. When after 28 days they see their period, they know that they won that month. This is a phenomenon that only women experience. Women with vaginas, women who bleed, and women who have had to battle for the right to defy what nature demands of them."

At the end of her monologue, Wolf exclaims, "And women, don't forget, you have the power to give life, and men will try to control that. Don't let them." Both of these sentiments essentially define women and the female experience by their fertility, an ironic understanding from women who advocate for abortion on the basis that women should be valued for more than their fertility.

The women's movement and abortion began as distinct issues with unrelated goals: the women's movement sought to bring about political and social equality for women, abortion advocates to prevent overpopulation by promoting "Abortion on demand." So how did these movements become so enmeshed that many can hardly tell the difference? 

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