Tuesday, May 15, 2018

Sessions' Border Plan Isn't As Bad As Media Portray, But Could Be Better

"If you are smuggling a child, then we will prosecute you and that child will be separated from you as required by law. If you don't like that, then don't smuggle children over our border," Sessions stated last Monday.

Nielsen also testified that DHS has seen "Instances where traffickers have used children to cross the border and gain illegal entry." Michael Cutler, who served 30 years in immigration services and has testified before Congress numerous times, agrees.

Christina Remlin, lead counsel for Children's Rights, said it's Sessions rather than human smugglers and would-be illegal entrants who is "Using children as pawns. That's the opposite of family values." She says this deterrence policy is at odds with the children's safety.

The journey to the United States is very dangerous for children, and Sessions is right to want to raise the stakes for attempting it, which would reduce the risk that migrants will be exploited.

In asylum cases, it would be deeply inappropriate to separate children from family, who may have been threatened with or endured things worse than poverty and the dangerous journey north.

Two years ago it was discovered six children under HHS care had been trafficked to work on an egg farm, and HHS officials admitted to Congress that they didn't even know how many children they had lost, despite attempts in 2016 to address the same problem.

On the second illegal entry, adults would be prosecuted and sentenced to two years in jail, or 20 years if they have committed other crimes, and the children would be removed to family or sponsor homes.


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