Thursday, May 17, 2018

Anthony Weiner indictment unsealed- Andrew Breitbart vindicated

Jan. 8, Joe DiGenova, former US Attorney for the District of Columbia carpet bombed President Barack H. Obama, Attorney General Loretta E.Lynch, the DOJ and the FBI on WMAL 105.9 FM. "What we know now without any doubt is sometime in early 2016 head of NSA, our electronic spying director, Mike Rogers found illegal spying under 702 FISA collection mega data- he discovered a concern and ordered an audit- the NSA audit officer found violations of federal law," DiGenova said.

Now retired, Admiral Michael S. Rogers was brought in after the Edward Snowden leaks to look around at the 702 FISA data, and according to DiGenova, was making Obama nervous.

"What is remarkable, is after the election without authority from Brennan or Clapper, on Nov. 17, Rodgers goes to Trump Tower to meet with Trump about illegal spying, next day Trump moved whole staff to NJ," DiGenova said.

I'd bet a good lawyer could make a great case out of the fact that President Obama was tapping my phones in October, just prior to Election!

How low has President Obama gone to tapp my phones during the very sacred election process.

DiGenova is confident that Rep. Devin Nunes, House Intelligence Committee, has much more information and actually saw the illegal intercepts at the White House.

"All of this has been confirmed,' Digenova said. The Inspector General of the DOJ is expected to make a report in the Spring, DiGenova said he expects he will make recommendations for Grand Jury against FBI and DOJ who broke the law." 

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