Sunday, April 22, 2018

Comey's Complexes

Much of his "Moral" case against Trump turns not on Trump's moral behavior or any supposed rejection of fundamental American values by Trump but on a politics Comey finds distasteful.

Comey has never outgrown the adolescent politics that led him to do his senior college thesis at William and Mary on the troubling "Nationalism" of Jerry Falwell, contrasted with what he saw as the measured wisdom of Reinhold Niebuhr.

In the paper, Comey cites against Falwell Niebuhr's warnings about the "Idolatry" of nationalism.

Comey praises Niebuhr for his skeptical view of nationalism and the danger of "Pride" to which it can lead. It is not hard to read into Niebuhr's quotes Comey's dim view of Trump's nationalism.

No doubt Comey sees Trump as the realization of Niebuhr's fears.

Comey faults Falwell for grounding his patriotism in "Questionable" Christian claims and says that Niebuhr would "Condemn" Falwell's view of an America exalted through obedience to God as false prophecy: "For Niebuhr, true religion must be prophetic religion; religion that avoids the lure of prejudicial nationalism, selfishness and pride".

Where exactly are Comey's external reference points? Could there be a more hopeless egotist and navel-gazer in Washington than Comey?

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