Sunday, March 18, 2018

What's the Value of American Citizenship Anymore?

I'm certainly not rich, but I was born into a loving family, have a great wife and daughter, get to write for a living, and I was born an American.

One of them has seen its value be diminished significantly - the being an American part.

In recent years actually being an American is being devalued.

With millions of illegal aliens in the country, this large pool of potential voters for Democrats was only prevented from pushing them over the finish line by a lack of citizenship.

To hear Democrats talk about illegal immigrants you'd think they were the greatest human being ever birthed - hard working, family loving people who want nothing more than to make a living.

Schools are overrun with non-English speaking students who cost significantly more to educate, therefore costing taxpayers money and American students limited resources.

So the question is this: what's the value of citizenship anymore? If it's given out like candy on Halloween, what makes being an American special? The answer, sadly, is that value is diminished. 

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