Sunday, March 11, 2018

Stormy Daniels and Ted Kennedy

The Democrats are trying to make something out of Donald Trump's alleged dalliance, twelve years ago, with porn performer Stormy Daniels.

The Democratic Party conspired to cover up Ted Kennedy's crime-manslaughter, in a particularly vile form-to preserve his political viability, at the cost of an innocent young woman's life.

Most Americans assume that Kennedy was guilty of drunk driving and negligently causing the death of Mary Jo Kopechne.

Based on the trailers, it apparently will tell the truth: that Ted Kennedy, after driving off a bridge into Poucha Pond, escaped from his car but made no attempt to save Miss Kopechne.

That Kopechne didn't drown, but eventually suffocated for lack of oxygen as she waited for Kennedy to rescue her.

That Kopechne could have been saved if Kennedy had simply called the local rescue squad. That Kennedy was such a self-centered coward that he left Kopechne to die, concerned only for his own political future.

There have been more disgusting human beings than the Liberal Lion of the Senate, but Kennedy was very near the bottom of the scale.

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