Thursday, January 18, 2018

NYT Poll Shows Soaring Support for Tax Reform As Reality Debunks Democrats' Hysterical Dishonesty

Why, it's almost as if lying incessantly about a piece of legislation while it's being debated...isn't a sustainable strategy when your apocalyptic predictions can be tested by reality in relatively short order.  Huffing and puffing about "the worst bill ever" causing the "end of the world" via" Frankenstein"-style "armageddon" -- and insisting, red faced, that the bill was a giveaway to the rich that would do nothing for the middle class, except possibly raise their taxes -- was, admittedly, quite effective at building heavy opposition to the GOP tax plan among voters.  But now that the Left's hyperbolic overkill and breathless assertions are bumping up against real-world results, many Americans who had previously bought into the negative and fact-challenged hype are beginning to recognize just how catastrophically (and in some cases, intentionally) wrong Democrats have been all along.  Yes, the tax law's popularity remains very slightly underwater, but consider the trajectory:
Americans are warming to the Republican tax law, and becoming more confident in the economy as a whole. They just aren’t sure that President Trump deserves much credit. The tax overhaul that Mr. Trump signed into law just before Christmas remains relatively unpopular and highly polarizing, according to a new poll conducted for The New York Times by SurveyMonkey. But support for the law has grown significantly over the past month, and more Americans believe that they will receive a tax cut. Forty-six percent of Americans strongly or somewhat approved of the law in early January, up from 37 percent when the bill was nearing passage in December.  At the same time, falling unemployment, accelerating economic growth and a surging stock market have made Americans increasingly positive about both their own finances and the overall economy. That could be good news for Republicans hoping to overcome Mr. Trump’s unpopularity in the midterm elections. 

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