Wednesday, November 22, 2017

The Damn Debt That Will Never Go Down

America’s massive $20.5 trillion debt will never go down if the federal government continues spending at the rate it has been over recent decades. No amount of tax increases will close the gap between what our government takes in and what we spend on our ridiculously bloated bureaucracy in Washington DC. We need true spending cuts and a reeling in of big government once and for all.

But will that ever happen?

Some have declared that Congressional Republicans’ tax plan to cut taxes and increase budget deficits will grow the national debt to almost the size of the entire U.S. economy in ten years. An alarming statistic, if true. Does that mean we will finally cut entitlements in a meaningful manner to coincide with the tax cuts putting more money in the pockets of businesses and therefore employees and families? 

Though House Speaker Paul Ryan and Ways and Means Chairman Kevin Brady are already coming out and stating that entitlement reform is next, the GOP always caves and says what they need to in order to get reelected while enacting no lasting change in DC that would improve the wellbeing of the rest of the country. The rise in debt will never be reversed if the spineless politicians in our nation’s capital do nothing to tackle our out of control entitlement spending on countless and ineffective programs. 

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