Sunday, September 3, 2017

Trump's Unintended Consequences: Extreme, without Vision, and Fractured

The Democratic Party, that is.  I doubt it was Trump's intent to make them into the broken, bitter, crazy, power-mad, yet powerless party they have become, but it happened.  He did not start the fissures; he did not start their downward spiral.  Humpty-Dumpty had already begun to split his eggshell, but when Trump won, Humpty simply jumped.  And shattered.  And none of the progressive horses, and none of their non-gendered genders can put him back together again.
One main attribute of Donald Trump was his willingness to break the code of political correctness.  That was who he was, and it helped him win.  Plain-spoken, he didn't give a damn whether he upset the modern-day Pharisees' tables.  He didn't give a damn about current sacred cows.  He pointed them out, and the world still can't believe it.
Neither party could handle his non-P.C. manner.  And for very different reasons.  The GOP couldn't understand why their own voters, their own base flocked to him rather than to them.  The deepest, strongest group of candidates ever (according to GOP prognosticators) couldn't touch him.  The Stockholm syndrome party, with its current timidity and kowtowing to Democratic P.C. talking points, had become the milquetoast party and was blindsided.  They could not understand this willingness to be blunt.  They still don't know what hit them. 

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