Friday, September 1, 2017

Noteworthy News 2

The Antifa fools display their lack of knowledge and understanding of history once again.  They do not realize that their rant in this piece is exactly what fascist do.  If the leadership of the political left allows this behavior to persist they are just as guilty as any member of Antifa.  Quote: "Philly AntiFa ‘Cell’ Calls For All-Out Revolution, Demands “Gender Abolition”, “Expropriate Land From Rich”.    Anyone who supports these thugs have a misguided view of good and bad.  Antifa members are nothing but thugs. 

It has been said before but worth a repeat.  There is a distinct difference between Democrat controlled cities and states and Republican controlled cities and states.   This item illustrates.

If you think the radical left has a corner on what is right, wrong, just or unjust then please explain the logic they have for this.  Quote: "The public purging of statutes, however, does not seem to reach liberal darlings like Franklin Roosevelt (who put Japanese-Americans in internment camps) or Bill Clinton (whose “superpredator” approach led to the explosion of black imprisonment).  This isn’t about substance, it’s about power and riling up the Democratic base, as The NY Times reports, Far From Dixie, Outcry Grows Over a Wider Array of Monuments."     No one will be able to convince me that these are uneducated and unethical thugs and nothing else.  Yet the so called adults on the left are no where to be found.

You might find this expose' interesting.  It describes the Democrat's playbook for destroying Trump.

This item too is interesting.  The founder of McAfee Associates warns that "Without serious regulation and constraint, companies like Google have the potential to effectively seize control of every computer on the planet and become like Big Brother of the George Orwell novel 1984. This is a future all humanity should be concerned about."    Recent evidence reveals they are already censoring content.  Next step?  Control.

Both the Southern Poverty Law Center (SPLC) and CNN are long time leftist operations filled with lies and hate and intend to destroy our country.   The claim is hard to challenge.  Read this and you will likely agree.    They are hate filled, have an agenda and fully intend to carry it out.  They care nothing for the lessons we can learn from history.   Perhaps this item will add to our understanding of the ridiculous and insane antics that come forth out of the SPLC.   No logic whatever in their thinking.

This piece suggest unsavory tactics are being used by Special Counsel Robert Mueller to try to force Trump to resign.  If true, this just reinforces the lack of decency and ethics that populates the entirety of the political left.

I shy away from anything the Huffington Post has to say because they are almost never right, usually more than just wrong, unethical and trend towards sanctimonious hate.  This piece will help understand the point.  Quote: "Huffington Post had the audacity to question as to whether a person’s military service to their country makes them racist or not. Is this even a question?  How on earth would fighting for your country make you racist? For one, America is a melting post of all different races. Guess what that means? There are different races in our military services. So who exactly are they being racist against? Serving has nothing to do with race and everything to do with protecting our country and our freedom."

If anyone thinks the political stands for free speech this should go a long way to disproving that thought.   The only speech the left wants /permits is what it approves of.   Any speech that challenges anything the left believes or says is to be stopped dead in its tracks.  They support censorship and destruction of the First Amendment.  The forces arrayed against this failed rally proves it.

Anyone who believes Antifa is a force for good needs to have their head examined.  They are evil leftist thugs who have no respect for the law or people's rights guaranteed to all of us by the Constitution. Unfortunately, neither do many if not most of the current version of left leaning Democrat/liberal/progressive partisans.

This is something to ponder.  Given lessons of history it is likely more real than not.  Quote: "During the presidential campaign, Trump issued a number of statements attacking Goldman Sachs and claiming he was immune from their influence. That was false. Trump obviously knew the score, as did Obama, as did Hillary Clinton.  Now he is hoping Goldman will hold the stock market together for him.  At the outset of his presidency, I wrote that I supported Trump on two major counts. He was mercilessly attacking major media news, and he had stopped Hillary Clinton in her tracks. I said everything else was up for grabs.  A lot of that grabbing is being done by Goldman Sachs."

This is what Trump is doing that is making the political left unhappy.  But, many Americans and businesses are happy.  He is removing the choking shackles placed on the economy by Obama era policies. See the results. 

Just one more example of the rank irrationality of leftist thinking.  This is truly sick.  Read this short piece to see if you agree.

The governor of Virginia a long time Democrat party operative and close friend of Hillary is displaying the attributes of a political tyrant which is what the Democrat party is all about. Quote: " Virginia Gov. Terry McAuliffe signed an executive order late Friday halting demonstrations at Lee Monument in Richmond for the next 90 days. That order violates the First Amendment."   The contents of this piece demonstrates how serious the left is about destroying freedom of speech and individual liberty guaranteed by the Constitution.  

The UN should bug out.  They have absolutely no moral authority to tell anyone or any nation what to do.  It is a rogue organization filled with member nations controlled by communists, socialists, dictators, human rights violators and racists.   The world would be better off if it just went away.  It's pretend value is greatly overplayed by globalists.

In the midst of all this chaos and disruption perpetrated by the left some good is afoot.   Good things are happening at the Veterans Administration.

There is a lesson in here somewhere.  Shouldn't we learn from it and heed it's message?

Beware this new web site claiming to be honest and free of bias. Quote: "Axios’ initial launch partners are JP Morgan & Chase Co., PhRma, Boeing, BP, Bank of America, Koch Industries, S&P Global, United Health Group, Walmart, PepsiCo and Cooley LLP.
This is a lineup stacked with some of the heaviest-hitting anti-Trump corporate donors you could assemble.  On the banking side, JP Morgan Chase CEO Jamie Dimon is about as anti-Trump as you can get, and Bank of America only shuttered funding for the “Julius Caesar” reenactment that re-imaged Caesar as President Trump (who, spoiler alert, gets stabbed to death) after vociferous protest.  Trump himself has personally attacked Boeing’s military expenditures and cost overruns, and Walmart’s Walton family donated heavily against him.  UnitedHealth Group has seen its share price soar over 400% since Obamacare was passed (in spite of the fact that it no longer participates in the exchanges), and PhRMA represents the pharmaceutical industry which is responsible for the prescription drug prices so commonly attacked by Trump.  Even the Koch brothers, in spite of the left constantly reminding us how right-wing they are, exposed their anti-Trump resistance ambitions shortly after Trump took office.  Not exactly the corporate sponsors you would expect from an “unbiased” media source, now is it?"

This is an eye-opener.  Quote: "Once again, the Left can be all too quick to paint everyone with the same brush."  This black professor explains that the left is too often quick to judge.

Lefty professors like this one are out to make themselves look good to their leftist friends.  They are however far from doing anything worth while.  White privilege or white shaming (whatever they are in the minds of these pseudo intellectuals) are nothing but myths of their making and has no place in an academic setting.    Skin color is nothing but skin color.  Stop making it into something to be ashamed of or proud of no matter the color.  To do so is idiocy.

My sense is that this assertion is totally correct.  Quote: "Colin Flaherty, author of “White Girl Bleed a Lot: The Return of Racial Violence in America and How the Media Ignore It,” was a recent guest on “The Hagmann Report” to discuss what he believes is a dramatically under-reported factor of racial division in the United States: violence from the black community. According to Flaherty, race relations reached their lowest point under the Obama administration, and a lack of media discourse on the issue exacerbated the problem."

George Burns

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