Friday, August 18, 2017

Newsworthy items 1

You will always get wise and thoughtful insights from Walter Williams.  Here is an example.  Quote: "Confederate generals were fighting for independence from the Union just as George Washington and other generals fought for independence from Great Britain. Those who’d label Gen. Robert E. Lee as a traitor might also label George Washington as a traitor. I’m sure Great Britain’s King George III would have agreed."

Maybe this will help those who do not believe the Democrat party over the past 50 plus years morphed into a full fledged socialist party including all the associated destructive trimmings.  Quote: "The Democratic Party has morphed over time from being a party that was pro-labor; anti-greed; and, via the New Deal, a supporter of demand-side Keynesian economics to being the party that is against "The System" and anti-capitalist.  Instead of upholding national goals and national identity, it has taken the side of tribalism, where identity politics is the end-all and be-all.
The epicenter of this shift from being progressive or liberal to being neo-Marxist, neo-fascist, and subversive of too many established social, political, and economic norms began in the 1960s.  Conceptual and practical shifts, especially in the philosophy of education, merged with other developments both in the anti-Vietnam War movement and in the burgeoning drug culture."  And, "Thus, we can see over the 50 years, from the mid-sixties to the present, that we are facing an attack on our cultural, political, social, legal, and economic identity.  The attack has been embraced not merely by demonstrators or by an immature counter-culture.  Rather, it has been embraced substantially by one of our two political parties.  Dark and difficult days lie ahead as we struggle to maintain the viability of the institutions we need and love."

The fall of Rome and the ongoing decline of America have astonishing parallels.  Read this piece and you will see the parallels for yourself.  Quote: "The similarities between both the American empire and the Roman empire are uncanny. Almost all of the same issues that resulted in the destruction and decay of the Roman empire are present in the modern American Empire. This is not something that can just be reversed. The moral decay, the greed, the corruption took many decades to infest our systems and institutions, it would take equally as long or longer to reverse this trend. There simply is to many forces at work that seek the ultimate destruction of the greatest nation the world has ever seen. What we see on the news, in our jobs, on our TV's, in our institutions and in the streets is just the tip of a larger iceberg that spells out certain destruction."   And, 

This outlines the intent of the UN and global elitists.  Quote: " In a borderless world, why would anyone have any loyalty to anyone or anything outside their tribe? How could there even be a state? In theory, the custodial state solves this by having corporations police the people, but as we see with the high tech firms, tribalism begins to rot them out from the inside. The cost of propping up cash furnaces like Twitter eventually becomes too much to bear, even for the true believers. Large scale social institutions can only exist in a world of large scale social trust. The cucks can mew about identity politics, but tribalism is the inevitable politics of multiculturalism. In fact, in a multi-ethnic, multicultural world, there can only be identity politics. Everyone is forced to root for their own team exclusively. The only way to prevent identity politics is to prevent multiculturalism and that can only happen in a world where each people has their own nation and well-defined and enforced borders. The alternative is the no state solution where it is every tribe for themselves, or else this happens."   This provides a good overview of the intentions of the UN and global elitist worldwide.  The elites want to tell us where to live along with a long laundry list of other things they demand for us lowly people and they do not care that we might disagree with them and their grandiose plans for them.  The rest of us are mere toss away after thoughts.  Read this and you will see what I mean.  Quote: "In a borderless world, why would anyone have any loyalty to anyone or anything outside their tribe? How could there even be a state? In theory, the custodial state solves this by having corporations police the people, but as we see with the high tech firms, tribalism begins to rot them out from the inside. The cost of propping up cash furnaces like Twitter eventually becomes too much to bear, even for the true believers. Large scale social institutions can only exist in a world of large scale social trust. The cucks can mew about identity politics, but tribalism is the inevitable politics of multiculturalism. In fact, in a multi-ethnic, multicultural world, there can only be identity politics. Everyone is forced to root for their own team exclusively. The only way to prevent identity politics is to prevent multiculturalism and that can only happen in a world where each people has their own nation and well-defined and enforced borders. The alternative is the no state solution where it is every tribe for themselves, or else this happens."   Here is just one example of what will happen when the UN and the global elite get what they want.  It describes what the two words "this happens" from the quote means.   You can already see that type of attitude and behavior exhibited by our very own leftist/Democrats/progressives.  The point has been reached where they no longer care that we understand their intentions.  We as their targets for destruction can hear all the vitriol and hate coming from and being demonstrated by leftists in every corner of our country.  They no longer hide their intentions because they are confident that they now have the upper hand and will pound the rest of us into submission under their hateful, ugly, immoral, unethical and very heavy feet.

The guilty are the leftist and they should be ashamed of their egregious and treasonous activities.  Anyone who thinks they are doing good must rethink that thought. Quote: "We have to come back to the question, why is the liberal/progressive/left comfortable with being aligned with the warmonger neoconservatives and the military/security complex against President Donald Trump who intended, until he was blocked, to reduce the extremely dangerous to all of mankind tensions between the US and Russia created over 24 years by the Clinton, George W. Bush, and Obama regimes? If you are really against violence, why oppose the only president we have had since Reagan who wants to reduce the risk of nuclear conflict?  I have asked this question a number of times. I have never had an answer from the liberal/progressive/left.  Are we to conclude that they are unaware, lost as they are in their hatred of white, heterosexual males, that they don’t care, that they want Trump destroyed even it Pence, the replacement, leads us into unwinnable war with Russia and China?  Why do the environmental and wildlife preservation organizations jump on the anti-Trump bandwaggon. Are they unaware of the consequences to all life of nuclear war?  What explains the total unreality in which Americans exist? We are supposed to be the leaders of the world. How can we lead when we are so utterly, hopelessly blind and stupid and consumed by hate?"

This item rightfully suggests that "Functional Illiterates are Trying to Erase History."The ignorance and disregard for history knows no bounds for generations taught to feel rather think in our government run indoctrination centers known as public schools. The left wing media reinforces their ignorance with misinformation, fake news and government sanctioned propaganda. Snowflakes across the land melt at anything they are instructed to find offensive. Everything and everyone who doesn’t agree with their half baked views are declared racists. Pointing out that leftist Antifa thugs, without permits to protest, initiated the violence in Charlottesville is racist. The uproar against Trump’s truthful assessment of the situation by CNN, MSNBC and Fox proves there isn’t a wit of difference among these corporate media outlets. True colors are revealed. The ongoing coup attempt against Trump continues unabated."

The political left praised Obama despite all his many bad decisions, illegal actions, destruction of jobs, bad economy, increased poverty, growth of welfare and food stamps usage, giant upsurge of illegal immigrants and more. Yet Trump has turned the economy around, jobs are up, food stamp usage down, illegal immigration is down and more but he is hated by the political left.  Can anyone explain that to me????   Despite all the vitriolic hatred and obstruction directed towards him by a whole range of indecent people across all Democrat and many Republican quarters he is getting things done.  Those opposing him are simply insane or at least completely out of their minds.  What do these people not understand? 

The Democrats love for Atifa will lead to sure destruction of their party and our country.  Destroying the Democrats is not their goal but destroying our country is.  Nonetheless both are accountable.

This item was shared by Charles.  Here's what he says about the link.  Quote: "Here’s an article about how Winston Salem is dealing with its monument;  well written and reflecting thoughtful inputs from black citizens there."
My comments: Don't you wish the stalwarts of the political left would be just as reasoned as the good people of Winston Salem?   Not possible.  Their hate is unbounded.

This piece rightfully sums up the foolishness of people going insane all across the nation, including a whole host of irresponsible politicians and media pundits. It is a total rebuke of their behavior.  Quote: "May I remind said members of the press, politicians and others that their speech is often found offensive by someone, and that if they advocate for and promote this rank lawlessness and blatantly unconstitutional behavior they will have nobody but themselves to blame when, not if, the nation erupts into violence on a level not seen in America since the 1860s and their homes, businesses and entire cities are sacked by persons who are aggrieved by their mere speechI have never in my life believed — until today — that we would see such an event in this nation again.  Today I fully expect it to happen and when this outcome occurs it will lay at the feet of the press and lawmakers. There has only been one person thus far — President Trump — with the balls to make the statement in public that violence in response to speech is never acceptable.  For this you excoriate him.  He’s right, you’re wrong, and your course of action is begging for the literal destruction of our society."

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