Wednesday, February 1, 2017

Refugee Resettlement: Here’s What No One is Saying

This week, with the talk of many in our nation focusing on Trump’s latest Executive Order, which temporarily halts refugee resettlement, liberals and their funded activists are up in arms and taking to the streets.  Even some Republicans are raising concerns over both the content of the EO’s and the way in which they were implemented.

However, lost in all the turmoil is one aspect of our nation’s refugee program that is seldom discussed but should be of great concern to anyone who has ever worked through a budget, whether in your family or business.  Here’s one thing we can all agree on.  If your budget doesn’t have a surplus or at least balance, then you look closely at the line items of your spending, with an eye towards either reducing your expenses and/or increasing your revenue.  
So I thought it might be helpful to understand the fiscal impact of our refugee resettlement program on our nation’s budget.  As we look at that cost, we should remember the points made in my previous article about The National Debt.  Specifically, our nation’s spending is creating over a half-trillion dollar deficit every year.  Additionally, in another of my articles, $10 Trillion New Debt, we are projected to average nearly a trillion dollars in deficits every year over the next decade.   

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