Sunday, October 30, 2016

Please Consider the Truth 1

Hillary Clinton's campaign is unraveling in response to an unending series of revelations from leaked emails and other sources.  The stream of unsavory actions and a reactivated FBI investigation and more raises the issue of what happens if she is actually elected president.  Quote: "Painful as it may be to realize that we are reduced to considering the impeachability of a presidential candidate, that is a reality that will not go away, just because we don't like it.   How impeachable is Hillary Clinton? Since she would be "the first woman President," any criticism of her, much less any impeachment, would bring loud howls from the media across the country that ugly sexist bias was behind any opposition to anything she did -- no matter how awful. Hillary in the White House would have a blank check, and she would not hesitate to use it.  Donald Trump has no such exemption. Neither the media nor Congressional Republicans would automatically spring to his defense if he overstepped the line. His impeachability may be his most important asset in a year of painful choices.   The sole reason Obama has not been impeached for his many crimes and misdemeanors is he has been our first black president.  Please, lets consider Thomas Sowell's wise counsel and not vote for Hillary Clinton because as the first woman president she too would not be impeachable.  Her long record of criminal and unethical behavior will not end if she is elected president.  If, however, this new development reaches a different conclusion, impeachment proceedings will surely follow if Hillary is in fact elected president.  The FBI reverses course.  It has reopened its investigation of Hillary's criminal email debacle given recently uncovered potentially damaging revelations.   and,

This is an addendum to the previous item.  It assesses her quick response to the new revelations that caused the FBI to reopen the case against her.  She was far less than forthright in her brief remarks which suggests she has learned absolutely nothing throughout this whole matter.  The piece examines three specific times in the interview where she is her usual dissembling and misdirection Hillary self. 

Hillary's socialist billionaire buddy, George Soros, says Trump will win the popular vote in a  landslide but Hillary will win the electoral college because, "The democrats have bribed electoral college representatives to "fix" the election outcome in favor of Hillary Clinton, admits George Soros in a recently unearthed video. Soros, the same globalist terrorist who funded Black Lives Matter executions of police officers in Dallas -- and who also funds hundreds of liberal websites and violent activist organizations who staged violence at Trump rallies to blame Republicans -- says in the video that Trump will win the popular vote in a "landslide" but that he will lose the electoral vote because it's already a "done deal" for Hillary Clinton."   Watch the video.  Anyone and I do mean anyone who believes the Democrat lie that the Republicans are in the pocket of the wealthy has swallowed that lie hook and line.  Hillary is in the pocket of at least 17 billionaires. She is leading Trump by 20-1 in collecting cash from billionaires. Quote: "Former Secretary of State and Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Clinton has collected $21.1 million for her campaign and its supporting political action committees from 17 U.S. donors on the Bloomberg Billionaires Index. Republican Donald Trump has received $1.02 million from 12 members of the group."   That should tell you WHO SHE REALLY WORKS FOR, the world's richest global elitists!!!!.  Her history of blatant lies should tell you that you cannot believe a word she says.  She will do whatever her handlers demand.  To "H**L" with the people.  She and her wealthy elites have a plan and they fully intend to execute it despite the interests of the nation and the people.  They only care about THEIR interests.

This is a short review of what the writer calls "Hillary's ugly, unforgivable past." Quote: "As the 2016 presidential campaign nears its close, it's time to revisit this gem (link is external)from the late Christopher Hitchens on Hillary Clinton. It was written in the context of the 2008 presidential race, when candidate Clinton was running against a relatively unknown Illinois Senator named Barack Obama for the Democratic nomination. Hitchens -- a dedicated man of the left -- reviled Clinton, as his argument against her claim to the nomination shows."

Past items have highlighted the huge leftist bias resident within the mainstream media.  This piece offers thoughts regarding a specific piece of damming news on Hillary that proves this unethical truth.  To make matters worse, this item catalogues 7 WikiLeaks email revelations that individually or collectively would derail the candidacy of anyone other than Hillary.  She is under a cloak of protection from billionaires who own the media outlets, control the political process and the Democrat political machine from the White House on down.  It has been noted by a number of credible sources that Hillary is the most corrupt candidate for president in the nation's history.  

This is not something any of us can ignore.  Facts are facts and truth is truth.  Quote: "So – let me see if I have this right, news is information about current events, as in all of the information concerning said events. The media is supposed to report on all of this information so we the public can be informed. Apparently the lame stream media did not receive the memo on this. Take a tour of CNN, NBC, ABC, CBS, Huffington Post, The New York Times, etc., according to these supposed news sources – Donald Trump is a foul mouthed clueless buffoon. Meanwhile Hillary is the all-knowing savior of the United States who by-the-way made a couple of small mistakes – no big deal, nothing to see here. Apparently most of the major U.S. news sources mislaid a significant portion of the newsReporting the news would mean reporting what is actually happening, good and bad, both sides of the story, not what the lame stream media decides is good for the public to consume. It really irks this writer that the majority of the media simply decide what they feel is ok for the rest of us to see. If the folks who call themselves journalists actually reported the truth about Hillary like they are so gung-ho to do with Donald, Hillary would not stand a chance of being elected president."
Before you vote please read this item. This reinforces the previous item.  And, this item will provide you insight into the true Hillary.  Like Obama, she appears to have more feelings for Muslim than Christians and Jews.  And, she claims to be a warrior for women's and gay rights which are an anathema to Muslims.

Ask yourself, do we need a president who likes to drink too much alcohol?  Quote: "A new WikiLeaks email dump reveals Hillary Clinton may have been boozed up at 4:30 in the afternoon when her campaign tried to reach her in August 2015.  An Aug. 8, 2015, email exchange between Clinton campaign chairman John Podesta and communications aide Jennifer Palmieri revealed the two discussing whether to call Hillary and “sober her up some.”  “Should I call her and talk this through or better leave with you?” Podesta asked at 2 p.m. “I’m worried she’ll get on with Cheryl [Mills] and we’ll end up in a bad place.”  It took Palmieri two hours to respond to Podesta’s question.  “I think you should call her and sober her up some,” she said."  If her handlers had any credibility at all they would seek to get her help rather than protecting her and hiding the truth from the public.
WikiLeaks released emails confirm collusion between the White House and the Clinton campaign.  Both Obama and Hillary lied.  Quote: "Here's how top Clinton aide Cheryl Mills reacted to news that Obama claimed he didn't know about Clinton's private server."  She said, "We need to clean this up," . Sure enough, a few days later, White House Press Secretary Josh Earnest conceded that why yes, of course Obama and Clinton had emailed each other, but the president wasn't aware of the extent of her set-up. This was an admission that Obama's knowledge of her use of private email was "deeper than he initially acknowledged," according to The Hill. Obama's defenders are now claiming that there's no lie here thanks to Earnest's disclosure, but in the original transcript, the president denied knowledge that Clinton was "using an email system outside of the US government for official business." That's what raised a red flag for Mills, who fired off this line to John Podesta: "He has emails from her -- they do not say" Mills knew this was a problem. Obama may not have realized she was running a bootleg server out of her basement, but he must have known she was using an outside email system because he was personally emailing her on itunder a pseudonym. Are we to believe that Obama simply didn't notice that he was typing in '' as opposed to '"?  The recipient field of the email didn't magically auto-populate from the get-go."    This is how corrupt both Obama and Hillary are.  They are both world class liars.

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