Saturday, April 23, 2016

The Transgender Affair

There is a whole bunch of faux furor over the North Carolina bathroom law.  Misrepresentations and outright lies underpin the whole charade.  Quote: "By supporting the law, Governor Pat McCrory and North Carolina legislators shunned the spurious gender ideology espoused by the American cultural elect, and thus committed political heresy. Although several scientists, such as acclaimed Harvard University cognitive scientist Steven Pinker, have conclusively proven that gender has a biological basis, the American political left perpetuates the myth that we are born with a tabula rasa or blank slate upon which the construct of gender is socially imposed. As a result, the present politics of gender and sexuality precludes honest discussion of the mental distress associated with gender dysphoria and transgenderism. In its place, Americans are expected to accept cultural gaslighting and suspend all critical inquiry in order to celebrate every form of non-normative sexual expression as the next “civil rights’ struggle."

More facts vs falsehoods regarding the whole transgender debacle. Quote: "Hyper-skepticism, embodied nowadays in postmodernism, is not a very hopeful philosophy if all that remains is our interpretation of facts and not the facts themselves.  Ideology defeats the facts.  So in this battle between reality itself and human interpretation of reality (if there is such a thing as reality), how long will the American College of Pediatricians' courageous position last?  Will they cave to the LGBT onslaught that is bound to come, once their statement becomes more widely known, much as social scientists folded forty years ago to accept other sexual nonconformists as normal?  Will we ever say no to transgendered males who insist on barging into women's public spaces that should be reserved only for them, like restrooms?  Let's hope the pediatricians don't give in and withdraw or rewrite their statement, but they let the facts triumph over ideological interpretations."

This is a sane discussion about an insane topic.  Quote: "Studies find only three-tenths of one percent of the population are transgendered persons who refuse to accept their “birth assignment” which is to say they rebel against the sex that God or nature bestowed upon them. They want to be the opposite sex. But far fewer go in for that irreversible surgery snip. They like to keep their options open in case they want to reverse course, stop the hormone injections, and play for the other side again. So how authentic really is their commitment to transgenderism or are they just sampling the deep end of the pool?  Most of these people are “assigned” male but long to be female. And now state laws increasingly give them the “right” to choose whatever bathroom or even shower room corresponds to the gender with which they “identify” on any given day. Because, you understand, they’re a protected class, unlike actual women."

Quote: "“Ten years ago, transgender bathroom bills were considered a joke when they were introduced in places like uber-progressive Montgomery County, Maryland,” said Kupelian, WND’s vice president and managing editor and author of “The Snapping of the American Mind.” “Today, if you don’t get with the program, you’re a bigot and a hater. And if you’re a governor or corporate CEO, your state or company will be threatened and boycotted until you submit.”

Paying for their right to choose their gender is the responsibility of taxpayers???  And the left calls that justice???

How about this for justice?  Curt Shilling was fired by increasingly politically correct ESPN for expressing his opinion.  The morality of the political left is represented by it's "either their way or the highway".  And the left considers that just???

Reality creeps in.  A nation of majority women offended by males in their bathrooms did not get the left's politically correct message that a minority of .003 have more rights than they do.   A brawl breaks out over this mess.   Well what did they think would happen?

In follow-up to the previous item please read this open letter to Bruce Springsteen.  It properly sets in place what we all need to think about. As you read the letter consider whether he acted out of courage, PC loyalty or personal ignorance of the facts when he cancelled his NC concert.

Finally, with a straight face tell me that this amoral request by the hard left British government passes the decency/common sense/morality test.  Progressivism's evil agenda gets worse every day.   This is a modern day issue.  It is as though throughout history we did not know the answer of the gender question from the time of our birth.  Now we need to get hold of our feelings instead of looking at our body's plumbing.  Good grief!!!!!

George Burns

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