Friday, February 12, 2016

More Random Items

This item covers a variety of issues worthy of consideration.  Some have very serious implications.  Others less so but all are noteworthy.  Read through the headers to see which ones peak your interest.  The first two items are must reads.

The mess Hillary has created for herself, her associates, the President, nation and Democrat party continues to fester and will not have a happy ending for anyone.  Two quotes: "It may be metastasizing so quickly and so dangerously that not only are agents and lawyers within the agency having trouble keeping up with new evidence of wrongdoing, but that the scandal itself now threatens a constitutional crisis.  The Department of State’s refusal to release 18 emails exchanged between President Obama and Clinton through her unsecured home server at best creates a conflict of interest for Obama (as explained by Andrew McCarthy here) while at worst it raises the likelihood that the President has run afoul of national security laws and ought to be impeached."  And, "Beneath all Clinton’s implausible denials and claims of right wing persecution, behind Josh Earnest’s improper insistence that nothing really serious is going on at the FBI, is the very real possibility that Clinton has now enmeshed the President into her scandalous intrigues, with serious constitutional implications.  Obama cannot ethically continue to preside over this investigation (which, effectively, he does as the chief executive.)   But removing himself would require Obama to actually care about the ethics of the matter, and secondly potentially expose himself to criminal liability.   The situation is quite akin to the Watergate scandal at this point, in that government officials have hidden or erased potentially damaging documents, and the President effectively presides over investigations that could subject him, aides, and former aides, to criminal liability."  

This item provides a good depiction of how our country got into the mess we are now in.  Two quotes: "In the United States of 2016 the occupant of the White House is someone steeped in and aggressively implementing statist ideology.  And one of the two major political parties has as its only candidates for the presidency a dedicated lifelong socialist in Bernie Sanders and a newly declared socialist in Hillary Clinton.  In recent polls nearly 59% of Democrats say they would vote for a socialist candidate as well as nearly 50% of independents and even more frightening nearly 70% of those between the ages of 18 and 29 in the country claim they would vote for a socialist.  This phenomenon is due to two primary factors.  First, the ignorance of what socialism is and its overwhelming failure everywhere it has been tried. This is due to the Left’s control of the entertainment/education establishment over the past 40 years, which has eventuated in indoctrination not education. Second, the unwillingness of the opposition to vigorously defend capitalism and the founding tenets of this country.  Instead, the guiding principle became, as it took less effort, continual compromise with those whose single-minded objective was to establish a socialist nirvana and seize political power."  And, "Within the United States, because of the unrelenting socialist indoctrination of the people and the stealth takeover of the Democratic Party by the radical Left, plus the unwillingness of the only viable opposition -- the Republican Party -- to understand that one cannot compromise with those whose sole objective is the seizure of political power, this process is well on its way and the culmination, if not stopped now, will be the end of this nation as a bastion of freedom and opportunity."   And there is plenty of evidence that things would only get worse if either Hillary or Bernie were to win the presidency.   Such would be the case also should Joe Biden or Michael Bloomburg enter the race on the Democrat side.t. 

For those interested in a discussion of numerous secret government programs paid for by taxpayers and more this will be a real eye-opener.  Quote: "The world of secrecy is truly out of control. Most people don’t think about the fact that millions of pages of documents every year are classified and kept from public viewing, and that’s just in the United States alone. If a historian wanted to study the history of their country, how could they properly do it when a majority of their history remains ‘classified?’ It was only only three years ago (2013) when the Central Intelligence Agency finally admitted to the existence of Area 51. Although it didn’t ‘officially’ exist before the CIA made this admission, it was pretty clear that something secretive was going on in the Nevada desert. That secretive something would be the testing of secret aircraft and technology that the public has absolutely no idea about. Take for example the U.S. air strike against Libya in 1996. An f-111 jet was used, which had been operational since 1983, but its existence was still kept secret for a number of years after."  This is just a teaser.  There is much more to discover.

Quote: "For starters, the term “income inequality,” while politically useful, is ontologically meaningless: it refers to nothing other than the left’s own preferences.  Considered as a moral ideal, the concept of equality has always been ambiguous. Ideologues have exploited this ambiguity in order to consolidate the power of the few, political office-holders, at the expense of the many—who Sumner refers to as “the Forgotten Man”—whose resources in time, energy, property, and person they would commandeer for the sake of benefitting “the poor.”  Enter the contemporary idiom of “income inequality.” 

Right on target.  Proved over and over again.  But some just don't learn history's lessons.

Have you recognized the leftist bias in the administration of justice?  You can get an idea of at least one source in this item.  Quote: "Numerous employees at the Justice Department have donated to Hillary Clinton and other Democrats, causing critics to wonder if the Department can be impartial about the need to pursue charges against Clinton for her use of an insecure private email server."

This deals with the propensity of the political left to persistently lie.  The focus is on Obama and Hillary, mostly Hillary.  Quote: "In recent years the Democrat Party has developed a mastery of the art of lying. They haven’t done this on their own; they’ve been helped in their task by their allies in the media. In fact, without the media’s help, the subterfuge would likely have been impossible. Who can forget the many, many lies that spilled forth from President Obama’s mouth, like an open sewer of ordure?   Talk about lying.  Obama lied to us for the umpteenth time when he said no Obamacare subsidies went to illegals.  They got $750 million of our tax dollars.   And, in a way these are worse. Just read the blatant Obama lies delivered at this Mosque which he knows has ties to terrorism.   It goes without saying that he is the worst kind of human being.   Another lie.

Quote: "In April last year, the renowned nonpartisan Pew Research Center released a report on the future growth of world religions. The content was shocking. The report states that, if current trends continue, Islam will almost equal Christianity by 2050. While the world’s population is expected to rise by 35% until the middle of this century, Islam will grow with a staggering 73%.  The consequences of future Islamic growth are frightening. Islam is not a religion like Christianity, but rather a totalitarian political ideology. Its goal is primarily political. Islam wants to submit the whole world. It aims to establish a worldwide Islamic state and bring everyone, including “infidels”, such as Christians, Jews, atheists and others, under Sharia law. This is the barbaric Islamic law which deprives non-Muslims of all rights, treats women as inferior beings, condemns apostates and critics of Islam to death, and condones terror. More Islam equals more violence, more intolerance, more terrorism."

The question addressed in this piece is whether or not presidential candidate Donald Trump is a conservative.  It is likely you will find the contents of this piece quite interesting, informative and even surprising.

The truth about "so called" government issued "entitlements".  Quote: "Particular individuals or groups can be given many things, to which politicians say they are “entitled,” only if other people are forced by the government to provide those things to people who don’t need to lift a finger to earn them. All the fancy talk about “entitlement” means simply forcing some people to work to produce things for other people, who have no obligation to work.  It gets worse. If we are all “entitled” to things, irrespective of whether we produce anything ourselves, then the question becomes: Why are some people getting so much more than others?"

So, do you really think Hillary is serious about her charges that pharmaceutical prices must come down?  Quote: "Thursday’s hearing came as the issue of drug prices plays a larger role in the national political conversation, driven in large measure by Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Clinton’s calls to impose price controls on the industry. Despite that rhetoric, employees of pharmaceutical firms have donated more money to Clinton than any other presidential campaign on either side of the partisan divide. Lobbyists for major pharmaceutical companies have served as some of Clinton’s largest campaign fundraisers, even as Clinton publicly calls the industry her “enemy.”

Two superior court judges claim that the federal government/BLM violated the law with its actions in the stand off with citizens in Oregon. Quote: "Judge Anna Maria Riezinger and Judge Bruce Doucette issued a letter in which they exposed the illegal actions of the BLM and the unconstitutionality of what is really taking place in Oregon.  In speaking with Judge Bruce Doucette (Colorado) via telephone, he told me that this is all true and that one could reference Judge Reizinger's website (Alaska) for more information, as well as his Facebook page.  After verifying the information did come from these judges, I'm providing you with a letter that they jointing issued on January 4, 2016. America, it's time to wake up! Conservatives and Liberals are not going to save you from this. We, must stand against this tyranny! No presidential candidate, nor any congressman, is talking about this!"

Every American needs to watch this black man's testimony.  In it he explains why he switched from the Democrat party to the Republican party.  He speaks the truth.  Quote: "One of the biggest decisions to switch parties came from Louisiana state Sen. Elbert Guillory who made waves when he made the announcement in 2013.  Although some have called the decision “bold,” Guillory has said that it wasn’t actually bold at all; it was simply the “right decision.” In a powerful video explaining his decision, the black Senator fleshed out several reasons why the Republican Party is more appropriate for black Americans — and why the Democrat Party has hurt the black community.

If you think Obama and his administration is protecting the interests of you and I and our nation, you are dead wrong.  Read what this former DHS official has to say about what the administration ordered be done.   Quote: ""After leaving my 15-year career at DHS, I can no longer be silent about the dangerous state of America’s counter-terror strategy, our leaders’ willingness to compromise the security of citizens for the ideological rigidity of political correctness—and, consequently, our vulnerability to devastating, mass-casualty attack," the former employee, Patrick Haney, wrote in an explosive column that was published late Friday on The Hill website."  And, "Haney alleges that the Obama administration has been "engaged in a bureaucratic effort" to destroy the raw material and intelligence the Department of Homeland Security has been collecting for years, leaving the United States open to mass-casualty attacks."

Read this and see if it seems familiar to you.  Quote "Much of the media’s distorted worldview is essentially a philistine portrayal of an absurd account of events. The significance of their misinformation embeds a disinformation culture with even more advanced distortions. Without a sincere commitment to follow the search for truth and act upon valid conclusions from the evidence uncovered, no country can exist as a free nation."

TV's Dr. Phil sure has it right about the leftist/progressive entitlement policies which destroy people and their potential as individuals as well as the cohesion found within the family unit.  He rightfully declares that the government creates government parasites. He says that people dependent on government should, instead, get a job.   While his admonition is right the problem is that the very government whose economic policies creates the government parasites fails in any significant way to promote job growth.  Below are quotes from the 5 February 2016 Bureau of Labor Statistics report. 

"The number of long-term unemployed (those jobless for 27 weeks or more) was essentially unchanged
in January, at 2.1 million, and has shown little movement since June. These individuals accounted for
26.9 percent of the unemployed. (See table A-12.)
After accounting for the annual adjustments to the population controls, the civilian labor force and total
employment, as measured by the household survey, were little changed in January. The labor force
participation rate, at 62.7 percent, was little changed. The employment-population ratio (59.6
percent) changed little over the month but was up by 0.3 percentage point since October. (See table A-1.
For additional information about the effects of the population adjustments, see table C.)
The number of persons employed part time for economic reasons (sometimes referred to as
involuntary part-time workers) was little changed at 6.0 million in January but was down by 796,000
over the year. These individuals, who would have preferred full-time employment, were working part
time because their hours had been cut back or because they were unable to find full-time jobs. (See table
In January, 2.1 million persons were marginally attached to the labor force, little different from a year
earlier. (The data are not seasonally adjusted.) These individuals were not in the labor force, wanted and
were available for work, and had looked for a job sometime in the prior 12 months. They were not
counted as unemployed because they had not searched for work in the 4 weeks preceding the survey.
(See table A-16.)  [My comment.  That is only part of the reason the President is able to proudly proclaim that the unemployment rate is down to around 5%.  Truth be known if the real unemployment data were published the rate would be over 20%.]

Among the marginally attached, there were 623,000 discouraged workers in January, essentially
unchanged from a year earlier. (The data are not seasonally adjusted.) Discouraged workers are persons
not currently looking for work because they believe no jobs are available for them. The remaining 1.5
million persons marginally attached to the labor force in January had not searched for work for reasons
such as school attendance or family responsibilities. (See table A-16.)"  

A number of previous notes have discussed the terrible organization known as the United Nations (UN).  Once again there is a bill in congress that seeks to remove the United States from membership.  Read the details here and you will likely come to the conclusion that doing so is a really good idea.  It is notable that the progressive left and Democrat party are huge supporters of the UN. Quote: "Citing wasted tax dollars and attacks on the constitutionally guaranteed liberties of the American people, Rep. Mike Rogers (R-Ala.; shown) introduced a bill to restore U.S. sovereignty and withdraw from the United Nations. The effort to de-fund and exit the UN comes amid growing scrutiny of the global organization, often ridiculed as the “dictators club,” and myriad mega-scandals swirling around it."  The embedded links provide significant amounts of additional information.

A succinct and interesting perspective on history and the current US political scene.ón-trump-vs-isabel-perón-clinton

Very interesting insights.  Read the link at the very end, too.

This is another very interesting article regarding a vitally important topic.  It deals with the use of logic.  Quote: "Logic isn't a  priority in liberal circles, though progressives like the word, they either don't know the rules of the reasoning game or they feel justified in breaking them.

What do you think of this?  Half of the Democratic party supports an avowed socialist.  The other half supports a compulsive liar and, although not yet indicted, someone who has repeatedly committed federal crimes.   You have to ask yourself where are the ethics of members/supporters of this party?

Interesting thoughts contained in this piece.  Quote: "So, what do we take away from this? An interesting little history lesson? Well, hopefully more. Hopefully, we’ll recognise that, as threatening as the US Goliath is at present, there will, at some point in the coming years, be dramatic and rather sudden change. When this occurs, our lives, liberty, and wealth will not be unaffected.  In my opinion, we shall see a “New World Disorder” – a dramatic decline in US hegemony, coupled with a scramble by other nations to fill the void. Those who fare best within it will be those who made the necessary preparations ahead of time."

So tell me.  Where are all those rabid separation of church and state advocates now?  Any reference to Christianity is a punishable offense.  But converting students to Islam while in school is quite okay.  Quote: "Parents must be ever vigilant to the Islamic indoctrination of their children under the guise of teaching history and multiculturalism.  ‘This is happening in public schools across the country. And they must take action to stop it."   In this item even Bill Maher tells it like it is.

This World Class atheist has something sensible to say for a change.  This time it is about the very real threat of Islam.   Another item dealing with the same thing.  It seems this avowed Atheist has more faith in the power of Christianity than his own godless, no moral standards, and terribly sad no life has meaning belief system.

Such are the ethics and actions of the political left.   You know who paid the bonuses?  They certainly did not come out of the pockets of elected Democrats politicians.  They are great at spending "our" money for their supporters and cronies.  

George Burns

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