Saturday, December 19, 2015

How Fake News Becomes a Real Bill

On Sunday, The New York Times pub­lished a scorch­ing story al­leging that one of the killers in the San Bern­ardino at­tack had pre­vi­ously “talked openly on so­cial me­dia about her views on vi­ol­ent ji­had.”
But by Thursday, the Times ad­mit­ted it had got­ten parts of the story wrong. Tash­feen Ma­lik had not pos­ted pub­licly about vi­ol­ent ji­had be­fore mov­ing to the U.S. In­stead, ac­cord­ing to the FBI, she had writ­ten about vi­ol­ent ji­had only in private mes­sages—not pub­lic posts. The Times changed its story, is­sued a cor­rec­tion, and en­dured a par­tic­u­larly bru­tal pub­lic flog­ging at the hands of its pub­lic ed­it­or.
That cor­rec­tion, however, came far too late to put the genie back in the bottle. News of the so-called “pub­lic” posts had already rock­eted around the in­ter­net, been cited re­peatedly in the Re­pub­lic­an pres­id­en­tial de­bate, and, ap­par­ently, made quite an im­pres­sion on Cap­it­ol Hill.
On Tues­day, Sen. John Mc­Cain poin­ted to the Times re­port in an­noun­cing le­gis­la­tion to re­quire the De­part­ment of Home­land Se­cur­ity to “search all pub­lic re­cords, in­clud­ing in­ter­net sites and so­cial me­dia pro­files” when vet­ting ap­plic­ants to enter the U.S.

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