Sunday, November 1, 2015

How Paul Ryan Is Changing the Family Conversation in Congress

Rep. Cyn­thia Lum­mis was in the throes of her reelec­tion cam­paign in Wyom­ing last Oc­to­ber when her hus­band, Alv­in Wieder­spahn, died sud­denly. He was just 65 years old.
Lum­mis couldn’t even find his will as she took on a new load of re­spons­ib­il­ity. She had to shore up her hus­band’s busi­nesses and pull to­geth­er a me­mori­al ser­vice. Her daugh­ter was grown, but Lum­mis says she still felt a push and pull between her per­son­al life and Con­gress.
As Wyom­ing’s only mem­ber of the House, she felt an ob­lig­a­tion not to fall short in serving the state even as she grieved. There was a lame-duck con­gres­sion­al ses­sion to at­tend, and she served on the steer­ing com­mit­tee re­spons­ible for ap­point­ing a new in­com­ing class of fresh­men to com­mit­tees.
“I really did not have any choice, so I just kept up the pace,” Lum­mis said in an in­ter­view with Na­tion­al Journ­al.

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