Sunday, October 18, 2015

Random Items That Should Interest 3

The government's illegal use of imminent domain.  Quote: "The United States was built on the very premise of the protection of private property rights. How can a government possibly be allowed to take anyone’s home for private gain?  Under any circumstances this should be considered criminal behavior. It used to be. If city officials were caught padding their own pockets or those of their friends it was considered graft. That’s why RICO laws were created. Finally, five black robes named Stevens, Souter, Ginsburg, Kennedy, and Breyer shock the nation by ruling that officials who have behaved like Tony Soprano are in the right and you have to vacate your property.
These four men and one woman have ruled that the United States Constitution is truly meaningless. Their ruling in the Kelo case declared that Americans own nothing. After declaring that all property is subject to the whim of a government official, it’s just a short trip to declaring that government can now confiscate anything we own; anything we create; anything we believe."

President Obama was recently interviewed on 60 Minutes.  Things did not go quite like he is used to.  Finally some in the media are giving him a tough interview.  See for yourself.   By the way I watched a portion of the original broadcast but had to switch it off before my head exploded.  I can only take so much of Obama's self-serving rambling and sometimes incoherent remarks, pontificating and dissembling (or lies if you like).

And what about this?  It is a tale of crony capitalism being played  out by Obama and his administration and one of his buddies wanting to improve his bottom line by having the government smack down his competition. 

The FBI is angry at Obama for his meddling in their investigation of Hillary's email scandal.  This member of the FBI says that Hillary could be facing up to 10 years in jail.

This man is not only a good actor but he is obviously a good man, better than most who populate Hollywood.  In this piece he rightly calls out both President Obama and the media for their total censorship of the motives of the killer in the Oregon massacre and his blatant politicizing of the event for his self-serving purposes.  Those who agree with Obama that killing Muslims is a bad thing seem to also believe that killing Christians is quite alright.

This black man shares his view of Hillary's quest for the presidency.  Quote: "As for the American family, Democrat policies which enable and even nurture bad behavior contributes to the destruction of families. As an American who happens to be black, I have experienced in my family the devastating effects of Democrats' low expectations of blacks; numerous cousins addicted to government welfare which birthed serial out-of-wedlock births, crime, drug abuse, incarceration, and early deaths."   This item speaks to the unprofessional behavior exhibited by so many liberal Democrats who seek, at all cost, to protect Hillary. 

The Export-Import Bank is a tax payer guaranteed program that is suppose to help US companies conduct import and export businesses. But it has a spotty history at best. It is most notable for its crony capitalism by politicians supporting favored businesses.  Its charter is up for review in Congress now.  Read this item (one of many examples) and tell me it deserve to be renewed.  I think not and have so told my federal elected representatives.  To fully understand the rationale for dissolving the EX-EM Bank, read this item.    Here's more.   Want to see how the EX-EM Bank DID NOT help this small business?   But take note that Hillary supports its tax payer backed continuation... Draw your own conclusion.  Here is another interesting item.

This is at least a partial reason why so many Americans regardless of political persuasion dislike the president.    Here is another good reason.   And here is another one.  This will sometime relatively soon happen in a place near you.   Obama apparently hates Christian refugees but loves Muslim refugees.  Don't believe me?  Check this out.  While he is importing thousands of Muslims he is exporting 27 Iraqi Christians already here.  It is not hard for anyone to question his morals.   This is another example.  If true this tells you that the deal with Iran over their nuclear designs.  Given the citing of specifics with names within the article it is likely true and reveals the evil side of the man.  I dislike him for a number of reasons but this type behavior really ticks me off.  Shortly after the cold bloody murder of 13 people in Oregon the President goes on national television and argues for more government gun control.  He had no facts on the case but felt compelled to pontificate his position.  He has on numerous cases spouted off before having any facts and that is who he is.  A tyrant pushing his agenda at any opportunity - it is all about him.  I could only watch him speak a short time before I shut off the TV.  Others agree that the President's comments were self serving and irresponsible.  This piece details all the lies/misstatements he made during his anti-gun tirade.   This black American has similar thoughts to mine and I am sure a whole lot of other people.

George Burns

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