Saturday, January 10, 2015


They sold us a bill of goods founded on a multitude of lies that has been a total disaster in implementation and then tell us to consider signing up for it to be a good Christmas present.  Oh, the hutzpah.

This is the reality of Obamacare.  Bad, bad, bad.   Even the Harvard professors who helped create the monstrosity are now caught in its clutches. Serves them right.
Obamacare back before the Supreme Court on 4 March 2015.  And, this piece is very interesting.  It discusses two court cases that may end up killing Obamacare at the Supreme Court.  More items before the Supreme Court.

This is part of the Obamacare law.  Intruding into your private life via your doctor.  Government orders you see.

This issue is serious and confirms that the liberals/democrats set up a totally unconstitutional panel with supreme powers to make life and death decisions unchecked by the administration, congress or the judiciary.  It should destroy the very idea of Obamacare.

Since when did the government have the right to force someone to undertake a medical procedure they do not want?

George Burns

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