Thursday, January 22, 2015

About The Media

The New York Times is becoming a lame laughingstock of a paper.
Here is one good example of their publication containing obvious lies and deceptions.   In other words they are in the tank for Obama and his leftist/progressive destruction machine.  Makes no sense to me because it is hurting their bottom line. 

I think this item might be right.  Quote: "And with respect to the current crop of radical Islamic terrorists, surely even the most dense member of the Western media must understand by now that if they had their way, freedom of the press as we know it would not exist and many journalists would be either jailed or executed – either for what they have written or for how they choose to live their personal lives, or, you know, for being Jewish. And yet, even these facts are not enough to cause them to treat radical Islamics with the contempt reserved for the Westboro Baptist Church freaks or to honestly shine a spotlight on the extent to which radical Islam has taken hold even in Western countries (particularly in Europe) or to frankly report on the doctrine that is taught there." 

Quote: "Were members of the media to have their home addresses exposed on social media, there would be a collective scream and outcry over violations of personal privacy. Instead, in this case, the media did a “no big deal” turn."  And,  "It is a sad commentary, but then it exposes the American media for the moral cowards that they are."

This is a sad tale about the elitists that populate so much of Hollywood.

NBC and Comcast are major funders of Al Sharpton's race baiting antics.  Unbelievable.  Journalism ethics????

Quote: "Since 9/11, the Western world’s academic, media, political elites have done their best to portray Islam in a favorable light, treating it very differently from all other religions. Criticism of every doctrine, religious or secular, is permitted, often encouraged. But not of Islam. Only positive depictions are allowed."

I have shared over time a number of items which highlight the dishonesty and bias of the mainstream media.  This is another one that shows just how blinded they are by their absence of journalistic ethics. 

George Burns

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