Saturday, December 13, 2014

This Is What They Do And Say

I don't know of course but if what he says is true I am confident that as long as he is involved in the negotiations, it will end up being a bad deal for us.

These EPA actions should disturb everyone no matter out political affiliation.  Their zeal to regulate everything they can costs the economy billions of dollars annually and is now threatening the very sustainment of farmers.  Where would we be without farmers?  The EPA does not care.

If this is not a culturally destructive practice for our school children promoted by liberals/progressives, I do not know what is.

And you thought Greenpeace was a great organization doing great things, preserving history and the earth.  See what they did to Peruvian Inca sites.

When speaking about the economy do not believe anything either the administration or the mainstream media tell you.  It is not healthy.

I don't know about you but I would not give him even a tiny bit more power to abuse.

Our government has gone rogue.  That is not me saying that.  These two former NSA officials say so. 

As this guy says if Obama makes up stuff that is not in the Constitution he can surely make up stuff that is not in the Bible, too.  What a guy.

This is characteristic of the things so many liberals/progressives do.  It is so very, very sad.

George Burns

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