Friday, December 19, 2014

The Muslim Dilemma

If you believe claims of those who declare that Islam is a peaceful religion you need to check this out.

This item drives home the media bias against conservatives.  He is a Muslim.  You would think they would run to his defense.  Not this time because he has the wrong political affiliation.  He does not count or fit their narrative.

When dealing with Muslims, the need to be logical, truthful and deal with obvious facts is not part of the progressive thought process.  Exploiting tragedy is.

The illogical Islamic logic.  Kill Americans to save lives.

Another Muslim terrorist act.  This must stop.

Just the other day Muslim terrorists killed 130 innocent human beings.  You knew that but now check out this link.  More mayhem by followers of this so called peaceful religion.  Matters are escalating across the globe and progressives aid and abet them with their pacifying ploys and telling us to get a grip.  I am sick of it.

If this is true the Middle East and it's growing Islamic extremism is going mad.

This is something that could be a future reality if the current wave of terrorism does not end.

George Burns

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