Thursday, December 18, 2014

Obamacare (it gets worse, much worse)

This piece reveals that Obamacare is targeting individual physician practices.  Quote: "Dr. Scott Gottlieb, a resident fellow at the American Enterprise Institute, writes in the Wall Street Journal that ObamaCare is positively crushing independent physicians, very much by design.  The horde of little collectivist grubers who boiled forth to craft the Affordable Care Act are big believers in “consolidation,” a crusade Gottlieb entreats Republican reformers to resist."

The only ones you can blame for this disaster is President Obama and his Democrat minions.  It did not receive one vote from Republicans.  So you now know the primary source of so many of our government's problems.   It gets worse,

Obamacare is forcing small businesses to stop providing healthcare coverage for its employees.

Not only is Obamacare is killing hospitals, individual physician practices and forcing small businesses to drop employee coverage, but is cutting people off from their preferred medical practioners, limiting affordable insurance choices, increasing out of pocket expenses, harming medical device businesses, reducing the full time work week forcing employers to reduce work hours for employees, etc.   And, now it has now been discovered that it imposes a $250 billion tax on the tax paying public.  And you thought things could not get worse. 

I bet you also didn't know that Obamacare provisions are now actually helping the Military Industrial Complex's already huge bottom line.  We the people and normal businesses are footing the bill for their financial windfall.  Quote: "Remember that Democrats promised ObamaCare would wring out bureaucratic waste and inefficiency from health care, not add to it.  What it's done instead is redistribute money from millions of businesses, workers and families across the country to a handful of well-heeled and well-connected government contractors orbiting Washington, D.C."

The troubles with the secretive, poorly conceived, purposely deceptive and awfully written Obamacare law are piling up.

The continuing revelations about how the Obamacare law was conceived and written simply confirm that the multiple lies we have been told are just that, lies upon lies.

Equality under Obamacare is relative.  As the saying goes some are more equal than others.  To turn a phrase "socialism is for the people not the socialist".   This doctor should know. 

George Burns

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