Wednesday, December 17, 2014

Education & Things

Don't think government and powerful elitists and private enterprises are messing with your schools?  Well they are and want parents to get out of their way so they can control your child's education.  They know better than you what your child needs.  Quote: "It is no accident, no coincidence. And it’s not just your imagination. There really is a steady trend by the government and the courts to remove the influence of parents from the public schools."

This mom who left communism behind pleads with her state legislature to abandon Common Core because it looks a lot like Communist Core she encountered in China. If you don't believe the items I have sent in the past maybe this will help you over the hump.  Thanks to Jim C for sharing.

This should make at least some of us feel better.  More things like this need to happen to stop the government and elitists from stealing education from children and replacing it with government sanctioned propaganda.  

Homeschooling on the rise as more parents learn about the dangers inherent in Common Core.

Government intrusion into our kids private lives is totally, totally unacceptable.  So too think  many others.

A law is being drafted that will allow states to opt out of Common Core.  Good for them and even better for our kids.  Lets hope it makes it through the congressional grist mill.

George Burns

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