Wednesday, November 12, 2014

Some Things To Think About

This item "...has to do with a point that the social psychologist Jon Haidt (himself a liberal and an atheist) made a few years back, regarding the overwhelming presence of liberals in his field, and how that lack of diversity potentially harms the field. Haidt got lots of pushback from within the social psychology community, but there have been studies showing that he was right."

This item reveals that President Obama is stepping up psychological assessment of school children.  Take a look at who benefits.

Leftist feminist are beyond the pale.  They display unbelievable bigotry.

This women's rights advocate abused her sister.  No matter.  She remains a liberal icon.

This former Judge takes issue with President Obama's post election behavior.

This item helps us understand what specifically Americans do not like about the current political atmosphere.

Read this item and tell me whether you agree with this liberal's view that children belong to the community not their parents.

Media shelters the public from a devastating revelation by one of Obamacare's authors.  Quote:  "Jonathan Gruber telling a group of healthcare economists in 2013 that the “lack of transparency” regarding the bill’s contents and “the stupidity of the American voter” were critical to its passage through Congress in 2010."

George Burns

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