Friday, May 2, 2014

Another Example Of Cultural Decay

Donald Sterling, owner of a NBA basketball team, recently caused quite a stir for making racially insensitive remarks.  And as indicated in the link Sterling is indeed an indecent person and a racist.  The mainstream media pounced on the story.  NBA players, politicians, even the president and racists galore had a field day detailing their outrage.  He has been barred by the NBA from having anything to do with the league and is likely to be forced to sell the team.  All of this reveals a serious flaw in our current culture fed by political correctness and media fanfare.  I ask this simple question.  Have any of you said or done something that would in today's world be deemed politically incorrect?  I venture to say everyone has, multiple times.  Should we all now be subjected to Political Correctness police scrutiny and punished in some way for having personal opinions that might offend someone or some group???  Why does political correctness now dominate our culture and to what end?  In my opinion it is nothing more than the means by which progressive elitists shut down debate and expressions of different opinions.  Meaning that only politically correct opinions/actions as determined by liberals/progressives are allowed (even if their opinions/actions offend someone else or some group they don't like).  Think of the implications.  Serving as an example is the recent case of the Mozilla CEO being forced to resign/fired because the PC supported LBGT crowd disapproves of his personal support of traditional marriage.  Succumbing to this political correctness dogmatism is destructive.  This article lays out the case and even points out that a great black American NBA hall of famer agrees this is a case of uncivilized hogwash.   It is a symptom of a decaying civilized culture.  

See what I mean.   This is a flagrant attempt by self-righteous progressives/liberals to clamp down on free speech.  They do so knowing full well it violates the first amendment.  They "know" they are right...just like Obama who is prone to saying whatever he proposes is "the right thing to do".   In the real world you cannot punish "thoughts".  Only "committing an act" that in some way actually harms someone is punishable."  What is going on with the liberal left is frighteningly close to being Orwellian.

George Burns

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