Saturday, April 19, 2014

Some Unbelievable Items Regarding Our Nation's Leaders

The EPA is making up its rules without scientific basis.  Quote: "“Virtually every regulation proposed by the Obama administration has been justified by nontransparent data and unverifiable claims.”

We were told this would be the most transparent administration in history.  Truth be known when all is said and done it is likely to be the most unprofessional, unethical and perhaps unlawful administration in history.  This is just one of many we know about.  

Obama's taking control of the Census Bureau has had the exact predicted effect.  Using bogus numbers to support is self-made numbers.

Remember the Keystone pipeline?  Both the President and Secretary of State are empty suits and have no b**ls.  The decision on the pipeline is delayed once again.  This time indefinitely.  At least the president did not draw a red line but it does invoke images of Obamacare delays.  The longer the president is in office the more evidence he gives us that he is completely incompetent.

This elected representative demonstrates once again that she and her collaborators have no idea what their job is or what the Constitution says it is.  They all should be fired/recalled. 

The progressive/liberal Democrat wouldn't know the truth if it hit her in the face. 

Somebody in a high government position told the FBI to do this.  I wonder who?

George Burns

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