Tuesday, March 18, 2014

War on Christianity

For those who do not study history and who instead listen to modern elitists/atheists/progressives believe religion has no place in America and the world for that matter.  Sadly many among us increasingly buy into their lie.  The moral fiber that resided in the founders and guided this country for 200 years has been cast aside by progressives, liberals, secular humanists, atheists and agnostics.  They are convinced they know better.  Yet evidence suggests otherwise.  Cultural decay is increasingly rampant as are the pursuit of sex, lusting after things, single parent homes, fatherless children, poverty, illiteracy, violence, failing education, etc. all of which are symptoms of leftist/progressive policies.  Dependence on government is replacing a culture of self reliance and hard work. 
So, the new religion is now either trusting in imminently fallible governments and/or science, both of which have acquired the aura of gods and unfortunately increasingly give short shrift to truth, ethics, honesty, respect and justice.  Even a cursory look at our nation's current state and that of  nations across the globe will reveal cultural/societal decay/war/senseless destruction/starvation/pestilence/tyranny/mass suffering.  All are symptoms of an absence of religious based principles/morality and a sense that ALL of us are God's children and are to be treated equally and with respect regardless of race, ethnicity, creed or sexual orientation.  Nonetheless the evil tyrannical obsessed and The Know It All Progressive Elites have brought upon the world the consequences of abandoned religious principles and the morality/civility they promote.  Anyone who would dare check will find this condition predicted in the Christian Bible. 
The problem is now so persistent that nations/people are at war with those holding to Christian principles.  Again, this is predicted in the Bible.  The ultimate consequences will be dire.  If you do not believe what I say peruse a few of the below examples and tell me there is not an overt war against those of us who adhere to Christian principles.  I could provide many more but these serve to make the point.  It goes without saying that Christians past and present were/are not perfect (no human is and for certain I am not) but at least we have a sacred creed to which all "devoted" Christians adhere that promotes civility, morality, justice and respect for "all" people.  If you believe the distortions promoted by anti-Christians then you have not studied or do not understand the teachings of Jesus Christ.  Please, let's abandon the current progressive/secular humanistic/atheistic course and pursue a Christian path which teaches us to love our neighbors as we do ourselves and to love God the Father with all our might.  That course is infinitely better than a Godless one which, absent a religiously based rudder, knowingly or not destroys honesty, decency, integrity, ethics, morality, family, respect for others, civility and nations.  
The war is not so subtle in the middle east and elsewhere.  Beheading of Christians is practiced.  See here:   http://www.wnd.com/2014/03/christians-throats-slit-in-pagan-slaughterhouse/
Below are just a few of the items documenting the war on Christians collected over the past few months.  Please take note of this spreading problem and be aware that it will not stop unless good people, Christians and others, stand up and demand the practice stop.  We have a right to practice our religion just as much as they have the right to choose not to.  In our country our anti-religious President and his fellow progressive/liberal/democrat travelers, contrary platitudes aside, will not do anything to reverse course unless there is an uprising of major proportions by Christians and non-Christians alike.  The fact is that the elites would just as soon be rid of Christians since we do not fit their view of and plans for a fallen but NEW WORLD ORDER over which they have total and ungodly control.  That will not be pretty.
George Burns








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