Tuesday, March 18, 2014

Bureaucratic Abuses of The Public It Is Suppose To Serve

The items summarized in the below link make you want to cry.  Such injustices imposed by over zealous government bureaucrats should be punished but they usually get away with a slap on the wrist only to rise up again and do the same or similar things later.  Sometimes justice is done but frequently at considerable cost to the tax paying public and especially the bureaucrats' victims.  Government over-reach is a real problem and by my reading it is on the rise.  And as the items below suggest, big business interests are the beneficiaries of such government interventions in their (not our) behalf.  It is our collective obligation to force government officials to deal with public service abuses and support those being victimized.  Let our voices be heard.

If you know or suspect something is awry one way to deal with it is to collaborate with willing local TV, radio stations and newspapers.  Here is what a local TV station has done.  It takes tips from the public and does a serious investigation into the matter and if the claims are verified, they make a series of TV reports revealing the problem.  A recent report uncovered hundreds of thousands of dollars in Medicare fraud that resulted in the state legislative action.   Another found that a state legislator abused public funding for his own benefit.  Resolution is ongoing but the legislator's illegal actions have been exposed - his political career is likely over as well as his opportunity to steal public funds.  

Think of the difference it would make if more of this happened across the country at local, state and federal levels.  Thanks to Sigi for sharing the article.

George Burns

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