Friday, March 7, 2014

About Obama

You have seen the clip showing Obama saying that he is the president and can do what ever he wants.  This affirms that to be his mindset.

Did you know that in the past Obama felt that Presidential Executive Orders were unconstitutional?

What Dr. Ben Carson says has been slowly creeping into federal agency practices for some years.  The difference now is that under the current administration things are accelerating.  Here is but one example...this messing with private industry/business practices is nothing short of fascism and is putting our economy into a long slow slide into oblivion.

He is nothing but a self-serving political animal willing to say anything when it serves his selfish/egotistical purposes.  It seems that there is not a single moral fiber in his being.

His speeches are becoming more and anti-Constitution and anti-American.  In this one he redefines the word freedom to mean something far, far distant from what most of us clearly understand.   It is typical of he language manipulation.

Remember when the left used to complain about GW Bush's imperial presidency?  Why then do they embrace Obama who is far exceeding anything Bush did or even thought about doing?  

What about the debt?  He doesn't care.  His motto:  spend, spend, spend.  To h... with future generations and the fiscal welfare of our country and the financial burdens he is unilaterally putting in place. His attitude?  I am the president and I can do this.

With the tide taking a dramatic turn away from trusting in the science behind man-caused global warming/climate change, the president ignores emerging scientific questions and independently acts irresponsibly with American taxpayer funds to fight global warming which he declares to be a Fact. 

You might find this one interesting.

George Burns

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