Wednesday, February 5, 2014

Obamacare Nightmare Keeps On Going

You don't get any of this stuff from the mainstream media.  I watched PBS's News Hour last night.  They had a short segment on Obamacare.  Nothing of the sort of things like those below came was essentially a be happy, things are working out fine episode.  Makes you want to throw a brick at the TV. 

This is an example of either head-in-the-sand incompetence or willful ignorance of the facts.   Well, maybe this one means the mainstream media including PBS is doing the same thing as the Obama administration. 

Obamacare advocates claim this is good news????   Consider this last sentence:   “Giving people free benefits reduces their inclination to work to earn those benefits,” Sherk says. “Obamacare does not just reduce businesses’ willingness to hire; it also reduces Americans’ willingness to work. That is not cause for celebration.”    What do you think?  Here is another take.   And, given this information what are the Republicans focused on?  Apparently, instead of tackling the massive problems caused by Obamacare they are working on immigration reform, another disaster in the making.  Obamacare = fewer jobs and more people entering the "benefits"  rolls courtesy of taxpayers.  Immigration reform = increases jobless rolls, increases benefits rolls and allows employers to hire illegals at lower wages than jobless Americans.  

Bet average Americans did not see this one coming.  My sense of the matter is that the Brookings study is right but understates Obamacare declines in income because of declining full time jobs, rising part time jobs, stagnant salaries and those having health care will be paying higher premiums.

When applicants experience Obamacare sign-up errors they have no way to appeal.  At present 22,000 appeals go unanswered.

George Burns

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