Sunday, September 29, 2013

Was Ted Kennedy a Terrorist?

Political rhetoric in Washington is heating up, and the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change says humans are to blame. We're just kidding about the IPCC, but blaming "humans" generally would come closer to the truth than what we've been hearing from the White House and its supporters in the media, who are attempting to cast all blame on their antagonists.
As the "government shutdown" crisis moves toward a resolution, another "debt limit" crisis quickly approaches. With the federal government nearing the statutory maximum amount of public debt, House Republican leaders plan to use the need to increase the limit as leverage to extract policy concessions from Senate Democrats and President Obama. The Christian Science Monitor describes the GOP wish list:
House Speaker John Boehner said Thursday he would agree to raise the nation's debt ceiling before the federal government hits its credit limit on Oct. 17, but only if Democrats agree to delay implementation of Obamacare for one year.
Though still in the formative stage, the House GOP's debt bill right now would also authorize construction of the Keystone XL oil pipeline, permit more energy exploration on federal lands, block federal regulation of greenhouse gas emissions, establish a timeline for comprehensive tax reform, limit medical malpractice suits, and raise the cost of Medicare for wealthier Americans. 

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