Tuesday, September 24, 2013

Egypt has the guts to do it—Will America before it is too late?

It is official now.  The Muslim Brotherhood has been outlawed and all its assets confiscated according to the AP.  Related funding and Muslim Brotherhood social groups are also being shut down.  This means throughout Egypt the military supported interim government is taking control of the Muslim Brotherhood’s entire money supply and buildings. They are destroying anything that keeps them going—period!
We have seen the fruits of the Muslim Brotherhood since their creation in Egypt in 1928 at the hands of Islamic scholar and teacher Hassan al-Banna.  In their very charter and goals they called Islamics to violent Jihad—it is their duty.  Their stated goal was and is to build the Islamic Muslim Brotherhood-controlled caliphate that controls the world.
They have been connected with nothing but violence since the 1920s, including links to the assassination of political opponents like Egyptian Prime Minister Mahmoud an-Nukrashi Pasha.  They have been credited with many other assassination attempts and murders of Christians, Muslim opponents and Jews.  They are a regular happy family of serial killers.


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