Sunday, July 14, 2013

Why Our Democracy Has Succeeded While Others Failed

Egypt is on everyone’s mind as a democratically-elected government was overthrown by the Egyptian military. It is utterly necessary as the country was moving toward an Islamic state, slowly turning into, at minimum, an oligarchy if not a dictatorship. The question becomes why, after only about a year, did the government fail where ours has endured for 226 years?
The answer is right under our noses and we often do not think about it. Our government had the advantage of six giants of history involved from the start. Those men were Washington, Adams, Jefferson, Madison, Franklin and Hamilton. Each one asserted an influence of deep dynamics that thrust us forward on the road to not only being the most successful democracy that has ever existed, but also the most economically successful and sound country in history.
As for Egypt, where are those people. For example, in our evolving time the world now has effective leadership from women, but you don’t see a female face in any of their councils. There may be a few here and there, but none at the highest rungs and none in the Muslim Brotherhood. 

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