Sunday, July 7, 2013

White House Down: Obama Version

The scandal in Benghazi still awaits a full investigation (as do the others in the to do scandal box, including the IRS abuse of Obama's political opposition as to which the FBI still hasn't interviewed a single targeted tea party member). In the meantime the administration's feckless foreign policy suffered a serious blow with the ouster of Egyptian President Mohammed Morsi and the roundup of the Moslem Brotherhood, the object of the administration's love that dare not speak its name.
In the week that preceded the Egyptian upheaval, our always foolish Secretary of State John Kerry was playing shuttle diplomacy with himself, Israel, and a negotiating partner to be named, in the nonsensical belief that if only Israel would concede a bit more the entire Middle East would be at peace. As the marchers massed in Tahriri Square (crowd estimates were in the double digit millions) many carrying signs attacking Obama and our Ambassador Patterson as tools of Morsi and the Moslem Brotherhood, Kerry was yachting off Nantucket, or as one wag online tweeted "leading from Be-Heinz". U.S. law precludes our giving foreign aid to administrations which rule by virtue of a coup d'état, and as the administration scolded the Egyptian military it struggled to avoid an accurate description of  events, just in case it occurred to them that they might want to put that check in the mail after all. 

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