Sunday, July 21, 2013

Think Obamacare will be an efficient and effectly run program? Think Again.

As the narrative and two charts in the below link demonstrate things will get complicated once Obamacare is implemented.  Bear in mind that these two charts only depict the enrollment process - not the infinitely more complex Obamacare healthcare processs once fully implemented.  Pay particular attention to the role the IRS plays.  Given their history of fraud, waste and abuse, not to mention the criminality of snooping upon and punishing citizens and groups unhappy with the government, do you want that agency anywhere near your personal (supposedly private) medical records?

To grasp the full impact of the vast expansion of IRS responsibilities (46 new powers) check out this link.  To execute these new powers taxpayers will have to pay for an additional 5,000 to 16,000 personel.  The cost?  "Former IRS Commissioner Douglas Shulman told Congress last year that the agency would need another $13.1 billion to implement Obamacare in 2014, on top of the billion it has already spent."  And get this, that number is on top of IRS's current staffing level.  "According to an IRS report titled "Workforce of Tomorrow Task Force: Final Report August, 2009" the IRS has 88,203 full-time employees."  These numbers and costs do not consider all other government costs to run the multitude of Obamacare boards, commissions, medical oversight and policy setting/regulatory offices and bureaus sonstituting thousands more employees at who knows at what cost to American tax payers and harm to medical care consumers.

Can anyone tell me this is a picture of government efficiency, much less effectiveness?  Considering the fraud, waste and abuse rampant in the government run medicare and medicaid programs how can anyone say that Obamacare will make our lives better, much less our healhcare.  God Help Us!!!

George Burns

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