Thursday, July 25, 2013

Sex, lies & diversion

Are you growing tired of the continuing distractions created by the Obama-Holder regime of racial radicalization regarding the Trayvon Martin-George Zimmerman matter? I believe there is one way that this matter could be forever sent to the ever growing black hole of criminal activities perpetrated by this tyrannical regime and media complicity. Perhaps we could ask Mr. Zimmerman to legally change his name to Benjamin Ghazi, or Ben Ghazi, thereby assuring that his name and perhaps the incident itself would never be again spoken by Obama.
I have not computed the print space, air time, or the passion expended by the bobble-headed political pundits pertaining to the Zimmerman case, but I suspect that it far exceeds the coverage of the events leading up to the murder of four Americans in Benghazi, Libya on September 11, 2012. While Obama and his cabal of cronies continue to use the Holder justice department to stir racial tensions and steamroll states into submission, the focus of the American people is purposely being directed away from the historic beginnings of a third world war that we are about to see unfold. 

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